Total wet weight when i weighed it yesterday including the stalks,seeds and pre-trimmed was 288grams including the other bud from the other day.
I am hoping for about 4oz total but really the weight is irrelevant to me as i dont sell it,its all for me lol.
To be honest i had hoped that this weed would shrivel less and hold more weight than this in resin and all though its very good it wasn't as heavy as i had hoped it would be.
Probably would have been better if i hadn't of stuck so many seeds on the lower sections and the 2 lesser tops,seeds do take their toll.
I have taken several hundred seeds off this grow not just from the indica but from all the other strains as well.
If you pollinate selected areas carefully you can take good seeds off the plants before the plant has even finished growing.
My stuff will have to be crossed now with hashberry to push out even more resin and increase its weight,hopefully.
The stuff is good but i want more lol

I guess the aim is to create a strain that has minimal water storage and maximum resination.
Unfortunately the pppxblueberry is like this with a very high crystal and resin content but it yields only about 50-60 grams per plant.
I am going to grow the pppxbluemalexsativamale on my next grow and attempt to force it to yield by using fimming,4 weeks of veg and a very large toybox pot.
I am going to use a special layering technique to also try to help this which consists of placing some slightly large flatish stones in the bottom of the toybox,then large ball perlite,then some soil then about an inch of sand,from the beach(sterilized)then finally topped of with an 80/20 mix of fine perlite and soil on top with a final topping of the larger perlite balls.
This will help to create a much better atmosphere for the plant and give me excellent drainage and oxygen pockets.
I am also hoping that having been crossed with the triploid sativa male will give some of the sativas size and structure to the pppx whilst retaining the pppxs strength.
I always leave the males in the same cupboard until i see the first balls just begin to droop(before they open they begin to droop and swell)as soon as i see the first ones start to droop i simply take the male away and seal it into a cardboard box with a fairly damp soil,not wet,then over the course of a week or so the male will force as many of its balls to produce pollen as it can before it dies and i can then collect the pollen when im ready.
I store this in another smaller box for using when i am ready.
The male does not need light to finish itself of a bit after it already has some balls.
This is not the ideal situation but i have very limited space and time and it allows me to paint the pollen onto selected branches when i feel like it