Bud porn - day 45 from seed under CFLs


New Member
sorry dude, thats not enough man...... i got 10 40w and 5 42w in my box for flowering i wouldnt go with less than 100w for vegging. 2 20w wont cut it for a good growth rate....it will work for the start of veg though
2x20w will deffo work, i vegged two plants with 2x18w cfl, 1warm 1 cool white, and had 12inches ov growth in the first 2weeks, so it can be done, im not saying u should use that, if u can get more light then do that, more light is better, im currently using 4x18w cfl, 2warm 2cool white, and growth is more than fine, especially on a 24/0 schedule

wot im saying is if its only the 2x20 w u got then itl still work but it will take a little longer, go 4 it man.

coz ur using a low wattage u have to keep the light 3inches away from top of plant at all times , also a 24/0 sched is better than a 18/6 if u got low light.

hit the plant with 24/0 for the first 2weeks, then 18/6 for the following 2weeks, then switch them to 12/12, works a treat!!!!!! good luck


Active Member
Man I hope I get results like that. Looking fantastic so far, I look forward to seeing your final product :) Those buds are looking mighty delicious already haha


Well-Known Member
Man I hope I get results like that. Looking fantastic so far, I look forward to seeing your final product :) Those buds are looking mighty delicious already haha

Thanks. So i've officially decided that tomorrow is cut day for my first plant. Dunno how/why but this plant is ready (seeing first signs of amber on trichs and I prefer just cloudy) and it's not even two months old...I started flower on 2/26 which means this plant is only 5 1/2 weeks into flower. Like I really feel like I'm a retarded newb trying to cut early but trichs don't lie right? So far I have 60-30% brown hairs on the buds.

Well I need the room so the plant is coming down tomorrow - just hope i've given it a good enough flush (1 week).

Really perplexing though - the rest of my plants still have weeks to go. Some might be ready in 2 and a couple others in prolly another month. Def going to keep some clones of this plant though. If the smoke is good I might have to grow just it - 5 1/2 week flower and it has the biggest buds of any of my plants. fing nutso.


Well-Known Member
nice pretty bud, but ide use ur cfl for veg and HPS400 for flowering , ul get so much more out of ur grow, seriously u wanna try it if u already havnt!!!!!!

nice buds nevertheless, peace!!
wouldnt it be best to have both on the plants more than only one? or is it a perpetual w/seperate veg and flowering areas? i missed that part


Well-Known Member
wouldnt it be best to have both on the plants more than only one? or is it a perpetual w/seperate veg and flowering areas? i missed that part
I"m growing in a 3x3x2 area with no ventilation. HPS isn't an option.

Currently I have a separate very small veg area - 1x1x3'tall. All plants go into the flower area very young but I do have both veg and flower spectrum bulbs in there to help them with the transition.


Well-Known Member
hey gas--did u cut her down yet? any pics?
I did. Last night I took off all the fan leaves and then cut her down this morning about an hour affter lights on. My girl is up for a 'day of fun' in the living room so Ill post pics later today after she has left.


Well-Known Member
Hmm, maybe ill post pics of that later today as well. (ignor what i'm typing - I started on the jagermeister at 10 am today)


Well-Known Member
Why wait - here are a few pics.

These nugs are crystally as fuck but def not the biggest - the cola of another plant still a few weeks out is almost twice the size. Here's a few pics though.



Well-Known Member
This is just one of the plants - plan on pinching my first nugs in the next couple days to start curing for 420.
God damn I'm jealous. I'm on day 52 today and my main cola is pitiful compared to yours. I'm using 2 42w and 6 26w, all 2700K (240w total). I'm not impressed at all with CFLs but then its clear that I did not use enough.



Well-Known Member
God damn I'm jealous. I'm on day 52 today and my main cola is pitiful compared to yours. I'm using 2 42w and 6 26w, all 2700K (240w total). I'm not impressed at all with CFLs but then its clear that I did not use enough.

Your buds are looking great! I think mine just matured real fast due to the very small size of the plant. I'm sure you'll end up happy with your yield. Been adding molasses? Might try throwing in a 6500k bulb or two as well - Really think alil broader spectrum helps.


Well-Known Member
Your buds are looking great! I think mine just matured real fast due to the very small size of the plant. I'm sure you'll end up happy with your yield. Been adding molasses?
Thanks for the encouragement. I sure hope my gal starts filling out. I'm following the buds for less book so no nutes or any additives. Just Miracle Grow and Perlite mix.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the encouragement. I sure hope my gal starts filling out. I'm following the buds for less book so no nutes or any additives. Just Miracle Grow and Perlite mix.
havent read the book but it cant hurt adding molasses. And molasses is cheap - $5 bottle has lasted me my whole grow.