BUD PORN!! (eh, amateur...) 8.5 wks flower, almost done???


Well-Known Member
Hey folks,

Got a Northern lights plants and a Purple Kush plant here. Also got two more but I focused on these two. I switched em to 12/12 about 8 1/2 weeks ago, so I would think the time would be drawing near. I have a 10x jeweller's loupe magnifying glass that kinda allows me to see the trichs, but I can't tell what color they are. Is it possible that they could all be totally clear at this point, still? I think maybe the magnification just isn't powerful enough to differentiate colors. Anyway, flowered under 400w HPS plus supplemental CFL's. Here's the pics, let me know what you guys think. How are they lookin? How much longer until I should begin chopping parts off? Thanks for lookiin!


This gives a good idea of the size of the many small buds all over the plant. I haven't counted em but there's tons of buds at least this size, and this photo doesn't capture the buds strechting further down this stem.

another small bud shot

Here's some of the KUSH:

I put in some comparison objects, but to give you a better idea, the N.L. got to be over 4 feet, and Purple Kush are both about 2.5 feet. They're raised up a lot though. 5 gal buckets. LST'd the kush plants for a while at least, so they have lots of medium sized colas, whereas the NL was left as is... Thanks in advance for comments/advice.


Well-Known Member
Also, wanted to add that all my plants showed sex abundantly before I started 12/12. So it's not like I have to subtract that two-week window, cause they had a whole bunch of white hairs already while on 18/6, especially the kush (which I almost think musta had some auto genes in it or something...)


Well-Known Member
how long u let her veg for
the tall northern lights was vegged only about 4 wks tops, but she grew real fast, so was about 20" when I flipped the lights. Now over 4 feet tall. The kush was closer to 6 wks veg, but I LST'd those ones so they bushed out like crazy. I started em all under a bunch a CFL's, 6500 k, then switched to 400w mh (6400k), then HPS for flower on DEC. 16. thanks for checkin em out!


Well-Known Member
anybody else wanna help out?

the NL has a lot of dying, twisting, and discolored fan leaves, but it still has a bunch of white pistils sticking straight out towards the top. The other one has more of its leaves intact, but the pistil are a lot redder and browner and have twisted back toward the buds more. which is closer then? Maybe 1 week more on both? or maybe they're gonna need like 2 or 3? don't mind being patient, just don't want to leave em longer than necessary.


Active Member
they look and some done so they are about 8 weeks flowering i would flush for a week/ week and half tops then cut her down i also hear last three days 24/0 darkness with cold water?


Well-Known Member
It might be amateur Bud porn,but I bet it isn't a amateur buzz :bigjoint: Big ups looks really good :peace:
word, thanks guys. so do ya reckon they're almost done? Im gettin a scope to be more sure but I keep goin back and forth on whether they're ripe or not...


Well-Known Member
nice grow man those look about done for sure, and very dank.
thanks dude, yeah I have a scope coming on Thursday so I'll be more sure. I've been looking with a crappy, tiny 10X jeweller's loupe magnifying glass, under my HPS light, but then I was reading that the HPS will bleach out the color differentiation. I was beginning to think they were all still clear. WTF? but i bet i'll be able to see a bunch of milky and amber on thursday with this microscope.

Do some strains show more red pistils when ripe than others? By pistils alone I think the NL needs some more time...

Also, anybody wanna guess how much each of these plants might yield? I really have no idea!

Thanks again for checkin em out!