Bud porn..take a look!

KH, nice sharing there. If you're the lookie see trikie type, clear trichome heads indicate the most potent stage of production, page 74 of what you posted. Once you get past the clear trichome stage, THC takes a dive. Folks need to read page 74 of what you posted line for line.

KH, nice sharing there. If you're the lookie see trikie type, clear trichome heads indicate the most potent stage of production, page 74 of what you posted. Once you get past the clear trichome stage, THC takes a dive. Folks need to read page 74 of what you posted line for line.


That was a good read. Those 30 papers written by Dr. Paul Mahlberg would be a good read as well. I think I might shift my harvest date 4 days earlier or so.

The article is saying clear holds more than opaque.. right?
yes clear resin glands with swollen heads are at peak potency...waiting for 20-30% opaque or cloudy is to allow the newer capitate head to fill
For over a year I have been pairing my nutrient formula down to the essentials as I see them. I just don't see the wisdom in closing off to any and all products that are not made by Dyna-Gro. It seems presumptuous in a way...no offense. It is not an issue of right and wrong, but rather outlook. I have respect for experience such as yours....you have earned it. However, there is always going to be hype and bullshit And innovation. I think it is time to consider that it sounds like nothing has changed in 25 years sometimes. It just gets tired man....