Bud rot


Active Member
Hey bro's
Today when checking my plants I noticed bud rot shout out to reddiamond the discoloured sugar leaves lead me too it. Had to amputate half the bud but it hadn't spread on that plant and I couldn't see any signs on any others. In a panic I chopped the remedied plant and the four closest to it. My closet/dryroom is 24.6 c but rh is 55% I only have one fan. Should I put this in my dry room and buy another tomorrow for the grow room. I plan on harvesting tomorrow now anyway moved forward from friday. Any suggestions thankfully recieved.


Active Member
Turns out my temps and humidity are within the acceptable parameters. 54% rh 22.2C. Wish me luck.


Well-Known Member
I had bud rot on one of my plants on my first grow. It robbed me off the cola. Aslong as the affected bit is removed you should be okay. Make sure your drying temps are good and they are well spaced out.
You should be okay. GL hope it all goes well


Active Member
Yeah when I said bud I meant cola. Such a shame. Temps about 21 rh 54 % top end of the spectrum. Hoping fan will lower it.


Well-Known Member
Sorry to here that mate, glad you caught it early though :)
Put the fan in the drying room and get another 2 for the grow room asap (if space is at a premium use 2 smaller ones rather than 1 big one and space them out), you need those plants swaying in the wind. If you dont have any signs on the other plants i would try to make it through to regular harvest.
You can bend the colas to open up some space and see if the stalk is a nice green colour or a nasty grey inside, don't do it after touching mould though make sure you wash your hands and any scissors/cutters you've used afterwards.

My rh at lights out is now between 55-60% so i'm letting her carry on but i'm checking regularly for any signs.


Active Member
I think they're in the harvest window now. To think was the one day I wasn't going to check. Complacency is a killer. Take it easy mate.


Active Member
I think they're in the harvest window now. To think was the one day I wasn't going to check. Complacency is a killer. Take it easy mate.


Active Member
Had a feeling you might like it. Yeah it would be amazing. Its character building drying weed thats for sure.


Well-Known Member
I had bud rot on one of my plants on my first grow. It robbed me off the cola. Aslong as the affected bit is removed you should be okay. Make sure your drying temps are good and they are well spaced out.
You should be okay. GL hope it all goes well
Yup. That happened to me many moons ago, and things worked out okay. Though things were a little messed for a bit, it was an okay harvest.