Bud shots...


Active Member
...errrr BALLS shots. 4 planted, all 4 males. must have been pH messing with my odds. I can't believe this shit though. I tried to grow once long time ago and got two males. So that's 6 for 6 i.e. 1/64th chance.
What gives...
strain is lowryder #2

purple filter



Active Member
ive heard that females can turn into males under a lot of stress maybe its your growing methods or your just really unlucky to get 6 males. good luck on your next grow!!


Active Member
I don't know. I'm worried about temps. My place is starting to get a little stinky. I'm considering venting out a window. But that's opening up a can of worms. I'm worried putting a filter is going to push my temps too high. I'm usually 79-86 right now.
I have 5 more seeds. I really want to do this. I'm feeling patriotic as of late and I think it's my civic duty.


Well-Known Member
thats some shit ass luck man... purple^stars on here planted 4 snowryders and got 2 males and 2 females. one was ALMOST a hermie till i ripped the nut sack off :lol: now shes a she:-P and doing very well. dont give up man!!! GL


Active Member
i see what you are saying about stress to the plants pushing them to go male. Still, I've seen people growing in much worse conditions with better results than me. My humidity is low, my temps are high, but certainly not too high, and my soil my be too acidic. The plants are thriving though. I assumed they would need a little more stress to go male. They are weeds afterall...


Active Member
thats entirely true, my very first attempt was shabby at the very best yet both turned out female, and now my first real attempt I planted 2 bag seeds and got both females again...

sometimes its just luck ya know?


Well-Known Member

it happens bro I started out with 8 plants and ended up with 1 female but she is so hot! dont give up!
very true, befor they show there sex, take a small clone and drop it into 12/12 imediatly and wait for the sex. this way you will know the sex of each plant befor they start showing it. no way for one to infect the whole batch


Well-Known Member
god dam big balls everywere.. sucks dude... hope that mine have some va jay jay and make me proud... keep trying !!!


Active Member
Well I guess you can harvest the pollen and save them in case you want to do some seed breeding. Is it worth it?