Bud spots


Active Member
How many people here do bud spots?
I would like to know as i went to australia a while ago and every smoker i talked to didnt know what they are..
Is it just a new zealand thing or something?

If you dont know what they are heres a video i found on youtube..

Heat up two knifes
roll some little balls of bud up
pick up a ball of bud up
and squeeze it between the two hot knifes


makes your weed go a long way!


Well-Known Member
How many people here do bud spots?
I would like to know as i went to australia a while ago and every smoker i talked to didnt know what they are..
Is it just a new zealand thing or something?

If you dont know what they are heres a video i found on youtube..

Heat up two knifes
roll some little balls of bud up
pick up a ball of bud up
and squeeze it between the two hot knifes


makes your weed go a long way!

no, never heard of this way in the UK, we mainly smoke spliffs,joints,wugi's <-- however you want to call it! we mix tobacco and the bud and roll it up!

heard this is a 'european' way but everybody does this, most people in amsterdam do it this way too, we also have the bongs etc.. but people just prefer rolling a spliff i suppose!


Active Member
haha yeah, most people refer to these as "hot knives" or "blades" in the u.s and canada. They are mostly done with hash around here, but they sure do get ya feeling good.


Well-Known Member
It's been called hot-knifing for the last 40 years, and only worth the bother with hash.


Active Member
Never even heard of this till 4 days ago and i dont think i would ever do it with weed nor do i know anyone who has done it with weed. My friend suggested i do this with some opium he gave me. I heated up two knives on the stove i put a piece of opium on one of the knives and smushed it with the hot side of the other knife and then had an empty paper towl roll that someone else held. they held the botom end of the roll to where the opium was on the knives and i inhaled casuing the smoke of the opium to come off the knives go through the papertowel roll and into my lungs!!!