Bud wash???


Active Member
I have had a few slugs on my plants that have left goo on the leaves. I try to wipe as much off as possible but I’m coming up to harvest. Was wondering before I harvest if it’s worth giving my plant a wash? Will this damage the plant? Will it make the bud to wet? Any one done this before
I wash them at harvest with peroxide water.

For slugs tho just put out a pan or bowl of beer by all of your plants. They love it and will go to that instead of your plants....they will also die happy and drunk
I have had a few slugs on my plants that have left goo on the leaves. I try to wipe as much off as possible but I’m coming up to harvest. Was wondering before I harvest if it’s worth giving my plant a wash? Will this damage the plant? Will it make the bud to wet? Any one done this before
Does it ever rain where you are?
Peroxide isn't going to hurt anything... many do it
Kills any bacteria and fungus that may get in the buds. Also washing them gets all the dander pollen and dust out. If you dip a bud and it starts bubbling you know you have some form of bacteria in it.
I’m in the U.K. I keep my plant under a cover when I know it’s going to rain. I had a few humidity and damp problems which nearly ruined the bud
Here in NW Florida the rainy season and flower season overlaps. I always have big losses due to bud rot and mold. You just save what you can, and plan for some losses.
Peroxide isn't going to hurt anything... many do it
Kills any bacteria and fungus that may get in the buds. Also washing them gets all the dander pollen and dust out. If you dip a bud and it starts bubbling you know you have some form of bacteria in it.
It is amazing how dirty the water is. Even after washing so called clean bud.
Jorge Cervantes has a video about washing bud before drying, uses H2O2 and water, and rinses it off. H2O2 breaks down to perfectly pure water and oxygen, so no, it doesn't affect the bud. The peroxide is long gone by the time even drying is complete, let alone cure.
. . . . . . . . .H2O2 breaks down to perfectly pure water and oxygen. . . . . . . . .
What is an Oxygen molecule between friends, right? H2O {water} is what all life depends on and is one of the most stable substances known. Almost all human weights and measure are based on water. {pound=pint, ml=mg, etc, etc}

H2O2 on the other hand is highly unstable. It's what we used as fuel in early rockets. We sank a lot of our own subs in WWI due to self ignition. {the torpedoes would ignite and launch, even though they were in the magazine, not the torpedo tubes} But what we buy at the drug store is 3%. No danger of it blowing up on you.

And you are right, it doesn't hurt the bud.