

Active Member
I was thinking about checking out the Buddhist temple.
Thing is I know nothing about it other then just go and visit.

Plus Im secular.


Well-Known Member
I was thinking about checking out the Buddhist temple.
Thing is I know nothing about it other then just go and visit.

Plus Im secular.
Buddhists would probably be very accepting of you coming to check out the way they worship (or whatever they want to call it). They're super chill (at least from what I've experienced with a good buddy of mine who was raised Buddhist from birth - super down to earth guy) and could probably teach everyone a thing or two about living simply and living peacefully...and I'm a staunch Atheist/Agnostic/Anti-theist.


Well-Known Member
Buddhists would probably be very accepting of you coming to check out the way they worship (or whatever they want to call it). They're super chill (at least from what I've experienced with a good buddy of mine who was raised Buddhist from birth - super down to earth guy) and could probably teach everyone a thing or two about living simply and living peacefully...and I'm a staunch Atheist/Agnostic/Anti-theist.

If I was forced to choose a religion or structured way of living it would be Buddhism, but until that fictional day comes were in the same boat man..


just go to the temple. have a chat to some of the monks that may be there. buddhists are accepting and tolerant of all life forms. even sit down in the temple of its outer surroundings and focus on your breathe for 20mins (meditate).


Active Member
I went to the temple on thanksgiving, they were eating turkeys and I left after 30 seconds because I had an emergency phone call.
Not sure if I would go back,
It's far less religion than it is just a way of life that focuses on each individual working within themself through meditation / study/ deep thought to understand what is and is not important. It's worth looking into more, really mentally stimulating but relaxing at the same time.

I did a retreat for 7 days a couple years ago and it was a great expierence. When life feels stressful and things are slightly overwhelming, which for me isn't often, but when it comes it's great to meditate.