Buddha's Adventure


Alright, So far this is what's going on. I'm 21, Both parents have passed away, Im recieving a huge settlement for my father from a local chemical company, I have just inherited the family house up on a hill that police won't go to.:twisted:

I've decided to start growing, I'm not wanting to grow anything special the first time, just your run of the mill weed. First I selected a couple good solid dark seeds from a bag I got from a friend of decent middies.

Right now They are 1 week old, I have them in Miracle grow potting mix, a one gallon clay pot, and so far they have shot up about 3.5''- 4''. I don't have them covered in any way at all, It is literally sitting on my dresser, but its safe in the house, even left out like that. And right now All I have is a 26 watt bulb that is an efficiency bulb and puts out 100w.

Ive found Miracle Grow plant food, and it says its a general plant food so I mixed up the 2 gallons with water purified with a Brita filter, and also the water I'm using to water it is also Brita filtered(is this okay) Im letting it sit out to get room temperature so I don't shock my babies.

Oh yeah, I go by Buddha, and it's very nice to meet you all.

Any tips or criticism or even if you just need to tell me Im doing it all wrong, I would appreciate it.


The only thing that I'd say is bagseed is not such a great idea. It's usually there because one of the plants has turned hermaphrodite and fertilized all the females. This gives you a very good chance of producing females that are prone to hermaphroditism.

You are going to spend months looking after these ladies, and ideally you want to come out of this with a mother to take clones from, because growing from seed takes a lot longer than growing cuttings. You can get decent feminised seeds from places like "greenhouse" for very little money. It's worth the investment in genetics, even for a first grow.


Ill have an update on the pictures tomorrow.
Ive got it set up in a closet now, with a hanging 100w cfl set with a timer for on at 7am and off at 11pm, Ive rigged a computer fan to keep air on them. I added Epsom salt to my miracle grow all purpose plant food solution. Any more advice other than use better seeds? I'm doing this as a trial run, its not as pungent as some of the more fine and green buds.
that sounds good it seems like your seedlings are very tall make sure your lights are about 1 inch away from your plants so they don't grow so tall and fall over. keep us updated...good luck!!!


Well-Known Member
There are a lot of changes you're going to want to make with your setup to make it successful. You want to get proper lighting. Do you have money to spend on some lighting and proper soil and nutrients etc...? You should begin by getting a 42watt CFL from Wallmart or Target PER PLANT minimum and keep them 4 inches from the the top of each plant. Then you want to get a small 4-6" fan and have it GENLTY blowing on on the plants keeping the air and heat circulating away. Additionally you should think about organic nutrients. What you grow them in... you smoke... and ends up in your body (something to think about).
Do you wanto grow 4 or 6 serious plants? What are you looking to do?
Check out the grow FAQ'a at the top of the page and look at som grow journals to see how people have there lights, fans/exhaust, reflective walls, nutrients, Hydro vs. soil etc...


I Have 4 in the pot, One hasn't really moved in awhile at all, The other three Im just trying to get one good female out of them. I may just cut the other three down, I want to end up with one female. I'm not really feeling the risk in multiple plants, and I don't really have the money. And I'm pretty sure the 42 watt cfl is what I bought for the lights.


Alright, Here's an update. Ive balanced out the miracle grow with Epsom salt, and the plant has picked up. Ive picked out all of the plants but this one. Only one that was actually growing. I had one little guy down at the bottom, but he didn't grow taller at all. He stayed at like one inch, so I picked him out. I'm getting ready to transplant into a 5 gallon bucket. Anybody have some tips for that, like should I buy more of the same soil. or is there something I should buy to mix with it?

