budding along fan leaf stems


Well-Known Member
Not sure if I have ever seen one of mine do that, kinda interesting. I would think it is some sort of genetic mutation? I don't think it'll be any sort of big problem if that's what you're asking.


Well-Known Member
Naw deff not worried shes a beauty just thought it was interesting. I think its like u said a genetic thing


Active Member
If I was you I would take a clone or two asap and try and make a mother plant out of one of them if the genetic sticks it would be one of a kind.


Well-Known Member
hmmm iv heard of it doing this with green crack and big bud wonder if there a gene connection some were


Well-Known Member
I had a CH9 Jack 33 grow buds on leaf stems and on stems on leaf stems. Unless my mutants look like Rebecca Romijn I tend to cull them after they flower. This was the first mutant I had where I would get a very unpleasant feeling just looking at it, very alien and an overwhelming feeling of "it" didn't belong and shouldn't live. I did flower it out, although I should have gone with my gut, it was a herm and the bud was terrible, absolutely awful.
