Budding Beauties - wk. 4


Active Member
Eanie-Meanie, Miney, & Big Mo'.:mrgreen:
Forecast is for nothing but sunshine and 80's, perfect!!!!!!!
At least 10 day's out if not more. I LOVE IT!!!!
~Keep it Green~


Active Member
Looking good bro! Keep up the good work + Rep :joint:

Man i wish i knew about topping before I started my first grow this year...:twisted:


Active Member
These turned out this way because when they were youngsters I put them outside and something ate on them.
I guess you could say nature topped these and did a damn good job at that. Lots-O-Buds. >>>><<<<
Keep it Green Bro'.


Well-Known Member
One thing that I enjoy about these MJ grow pics is seeing all the different terrains/environments that people have their babies tucked away in. I must say, the Pacific Northwest United States is a beautiful area... Look at those pictures, how tranquil and, you got it, beautiful. Good job.


Active Member
I just moved them last Sat. to where I would not have to keep moving them to follow the sun.
There's a wetland in my backyard and just beyond that is a bog where blueberries & cranberries grow.
The person who lived here before me used to sell blueberries and cranberries.
There are still some around back there. There is also a pond nearby so it's nice and humid back there. ;-)
I smoked some of the parent plants of these and it was killer medicine. Tokey~Chokey.
They are fat & happy now.
Keep it Green!