Budding Beauties Wk. 5

There are so many strains/names.. How the hell is someone supposed to guess the correct one :P I'll guess though, Sativa Dominant! :P
I just thought someone with more experience growing may have had a strain which looked like these.
Does that make sense to you? I hope so.
Sativa is not a strain, it is a type, such as Indica is the other type.

NO SHIT SHERLOCK. Learn how to take a joke. Hmmm lets see, how much experience does it take to put a name to a plant that's been crossbred and crossbred and crossbred some more.

Damn, I've been on the scene since 1992 and I can't guess a plant just by looking at it. I hope you find this cannabis wizard you seek.

How is it in WA, I heard there's some real A-Holes out there. ;) If that makes sense to you. ;) I hope so.
They are nice and to think I hardly had to do a thing to them.
There are A-holes everywhere you go stumphumper.
I have been on the scene since 1973 and have seen many changes in Marijuana.
Back when I started there was only a few strains which was named by their country of origion.
If I offended you, oh well. I figure you'll get glad in the same pants you got mad in. LOL
The only thing I'm missing are some White Widow plants. :-)
I can take a joke anytime, can you?
Thank you Zildjian for bring order to the conversation. You must play drums?
I play guitar, Native flute, hand drums, rattles, keyboards, and more.
One of my facebook friends ask me if there was any instrument I don't play?
I replied, the one's I haven't tried yet. LOL
Keepin' it Green :-)
Peace stumpjumper!!!!