budding problem (pics)


Active Member
im not sure if this is soppose to be happening but im about 3-4 weeks into flowering, buds have been forming really nice the passed few weeks until today i looked at the nodes of some of my branches and started noticing a few of THESE popping up

which looks to me like MALE pre flowers. i havent put my plant under any stress that i can think of that would make it turn into a hermaphradite so idk whats going on here

here some pics of the rest of my plant

CLEARLY its a female theres buds all over it but what is the meaning of those flower lookin things??? someone please help, thanks


Well-Known Member
Congratulations, you have a true hermaphrodite. Those are pollen sacs. You can either keep pinching them or let the seeds finish if you like the strain. Yes, you'll have seeded bud, but you'll also have fresh fem seeds.


Active Member
ahhh damnit. it is a true hermafrodite. after all this time that scheming little plant. ive already pinched off a lot but a few opened so some already got pollentated. only the lower buds tho.
i do like the strain tho its a real nice deisle strain so if i get some good fem seeds ill be real happy about that. kinda dissapointed tho i really wasnt hoping for a hermafrodite but oh well watever wat can i do about it


Active Member
if i continue to pull them off before they open and release pollen will i be able to keep it from more seeds forming? and if i keep pulling them off will i still get potent buds and a good yeild?

Grow mo

Active Member
theres way to many to pull off and chances are they have already pollinated, it can take a minimum of 24 hours for one of those sacs to pollinate once it starts forming!.. there lilttle ba$tards..very very sorry man i wish that wouldnt have happened.. if you used fem seeds that might be the prob, try growing out regular seeds


Well-Known Member
Congratulations, you have a true hermaphrodite. Those are pollen sacs. You can either keep pinching them or let the seeds finish if you like the strain. Yes, you'll have seeded bud, but you'll also have fresh fem seeds.
How do you know if its a true or a stress hermi?
I have a plant that started forming little balls. I wanna know if i fucked up or if it was the plant


Well-Known Member
How do you know if its a true or a stress hermi?
I have a plant that started forming little balls. I wanna know if i fucked up or if it was the plant
Were there any stress factors recently?. Some strains are more prone to self-pollinating even w/o stress factors.


Active Member
nahh no stress factors the only thing i can think of is i was a day an a half late or so on my watering, i did have some gnats flying around and little bugs in my soil but i layed sticky traps which got rid of most the adults, then made a neem oil spray and ive been foliar spraying with that for the passed week and a half - 2 weeks every few days or so.
the plant itself is 32" tall and about 38" wide and its only in a 5 gallon bucket so idk if it may have overgrown its home, it has pretty much been in the 5 gall all its life i never really transplanted it.
i did prune some leaves and what not a few days ago maybe i pruned em wrong? (i cut off some leaves caus they were covering the buds from the light)
other then those few things i can think of thats all thats goin on
and honestly yeah there are a lot of them poppin up but i spent a good hour just inspecting my entire plant, picking off all the pollen sacks that i could find. i pulled a damn good number of em off and i cant find any others, i know some of my plants been pollenated but i was def able to save a few spots, atleaste i wont get a lot of seeds.
again this really fuckin sucks hermafrodites are bullshit im 80 days into this grow:(


Active Member
a few i know pollenated caus i could see the yellowish pollen bits but 95% of em didnt so i guess ill wait 3 more weeks or so and harvest


Well-Known Member
nahh no stress factors the only thing i can think of is i was a day an a half late or so on my watering, i did have some gnats flying around and little bugs in my soil but i layed sticky traps which got rid of most the adults, then made a neem oil spray and ive been foliar spraying with that for the passed week and a half - 2 weeks every few days or so.
the plant itself is 32" tall and about 38" wide and its only in a 5 gallon bucket so idk if it may have overgrown its home, it has pretty much been in the 5 gall all its life i never really transplanted it.
i did prune some leaves and what not a few days ago maybe i pruned em wrong? (i cut off some leaves caus they were covering the buds from the light)
other then those few things i can think of thats all thats goin on
and honestly yeah there are a lot of them poppin up but i spent a good hour just inspecting my entire plant, picking off all the pollen sacks that i could find. i pulled a damn good number of em off and i cant find any others, i know some of my plants been pollenated but i was def able to save a few spots, atleaste i wont get a lot of seeds.
again this really fuckin sucks hermafrodites are bullshit im 80 days into this grow:(
I love transplanting, gives the girls air and fresh soil. Some of us spend a lot of time forcing self-pollination, so it's not always a bad thing. It's actually how I got my start, with an accidental hermie. You can try DM Reverse, it does work.

You can get quarts for 20 bucks online.


Active Member
yahh true that, i guess watever seeds i get will be some dankk ass seeds since its a really potent strain. usualy i do transplant but this grow for some reason i didnt. but ill check that stuff out hopefully get some of that here asap


Active Member
got some ordered now i godda wait 5 days at the least until i get it so ill just keep pullin em off until then, either way once i get it all male production will come to a halt so i should be all good, thanks for the product info i didnt know they had such a thing


Well-Known Member
got some ordered now i godda wait 5 days at the least until i get it so ill just keep pullin em off until then, either way once i get it all male production will come to a halt so i should be all good, thanks for the product info i didnt know they had such a thing
Almost forgot to add, apply DM Reverse with the lights off or you'll burn the he/she plants. I'm sure it's in the labeling somewhere, but people seem to miss it.


Active Member
yeeah i was reading about that it said to raise your lights to a minimum of 24" when applying then after like 30 minutes or so itll have all soaked in an i can lower my lights back down. ill probly just spray it when all the lights turn off since its on a timer, then itll sit in darkness for 12 hours an be good by morning. caus usualy i keep my lights about 14" from the top