Buddy Can't Decide On Which Nutes???

My buddy has heard both great things about Heavy Harvest from Advanced Nutrients and Yield Master from Nutri Plus, though he doesn't know which one he should use? Could someone please let him know the benefits of each, and overall which one would most likely be the better choice.



Well-Known Member
Who's nutes are better is probably one of the biggest topics of debate on the forum. For every 10 people that say nute "x" is great you'll find 10 people that say it's garbage. Boh of those lines would probably work for your friend and I highly doubt using one over the other is going to break his season. Nutes are important, but come secondary to things like good genetics, adequate sun, water, and substrate. I've seen guys run nothing but miracle gro and pull 8' tall trees.

So, I would probably decide based on my wallet over anything. I've used Osmocote last year and it works well if you use it right and it's like $7 at the hardware store.


Well-Known Member
Who's nutes are better is probably one of the biggest topics of debate on the forum. For every 10 people that say nute "x" is great you'll find 10 people that say it's garbage. Boh of those lines would probably work for your friend and I highly doubt using one over the other is going to break his season. Nutes are important, but come secondary to things like good genetics, adequate sun, water, and substrate. I've seen guys run nothing but miracle gro and pull 8' tall trees.

So, I would probably decide based on my wallet over anything. I've used Osmocote last year and it works well if you use it right and it's like $7 at the hardware store.
How do you mean use it right?


Well-Known Member
How do you mean use it right?
Like any nutrient you can't overdue it. I like to err on the side of caution and use about half the recommended amount with a product like that and feed the rest of the way with liquid nutes. I am going to be trying Fox Farms American Pride this year actually.

Kb's seeds

Active Member
never used heavy harvest but i know anything from advanced nutes is way overpriced, like sonar said for every 10 people who like one nute there will be 10 people to talk shit about it, go and pick up a couple different nutrients that range from cheap to expensive and do a side by side trial, choose the nutrient that u saw worked best and is affordable for u