Budget led


Well-Known Member
lol guess i am lucky I was rereading this thread huh? Whats up homles?

I was talking about the bulbs with heatsinks on the outside the socket. I think it is silly, and I am sorry. but I do NOT think a 50w Multichip would out perform 50 1w chips, putting details aside (intensity)

Good approach though, I was laughing at myself reading back through this, but I think you did a better job putting it into words. Keep it up.

I saw your identical post in the other thread, so you really like VanQ eh? What has sold you on Multichips? I am not saying they dont have their place, but what makes you so high and mighty? lol. I want to see what you see, show me. PLEASE, because if I can get away with .08cents/watt instead of investing in Companies that extend their warranty to a Lifetime because they KNOW it is that good, then why have I not been shown this?

Sorry numpty, no eggs in this basket.


Well-Known Member
What the fuck???
Hello I read a post of yours before on this old topic page Budget led

since when do lowes sell something that resembles an integrated LED multichip?, since when do we see lowes selling something that has multiple spectrum diodes in a that type of housing such as vanq?, you fucking crank, scotch089-scotch egg more like.. No wonder dopers are still seen as uneducated?. You need to pop down to lowes mate and give your big sloping forehead a shake, maybe you can then find out why America has became something the nazis could never have imagined in their worst degenerate nightmare.. Fucking lowes selling integrated multichips with 7 spectrum including UV+IR, you fucking scotch egg.. [/QUOTE}

Do not PM with your bullshit, if you want to debate this shit get your ass out here in front of the mods and play by the rules.

Listen you egg loving fruitcake, let me break this down as best I can. I do not have any use with the multi chip led's, but I still have my standpoint on them. I do not see how proper coolings managed, I do not see the positive's of single source lighting instead of multi sourcing. I do not care about the tech to find out honestly.. and if that is my loss not to find out, so be it.

Go look at the numbers, Tj's, lm/w (for us uE/w), what are you getting? How long with those LEDs last? GIVE ME RESULTS BEFORE YOU JUST PULL SHIT LIKE THIS, im astonished by your demeanor. Too fuckin crazy. lol

What kind of angles do you use on a multi chip? Does your coverage with one 50/150/200w source (similar to a cfl/HID) trump coverage with 50/100/200 of those EXACT SAME EMITTERS spread out more evenly?

Seriously I cant even believe your aptitude to just.... jump into this. You MUST know something about multi chips that I don't. or MAYBE, just maybe VanQ has FINALLY made it to the top.

Look out EH, they're coming for yah. HA..

Edit: what the fuck am I talking about, do some research and let me know what you find out. K?


Well-Known Member
Sorry if I went above and beyond.. frankly that just struck me the wrong way and I was offended. He deleted his original post anyways.

Merry Christmas everyone, be safe.


Well-Known Member
I guess they banned him, back to our regularly scheduled programming... Which is answering emails, drinking Coronas and watching reruns of Red Dwarf on Netflix.


Bad Karma

Well-Known Member
back to our regularly scheduled programming... Which is answering emails, drinking Coronas and watching reruns of Red Dwarf on Netflix.
Lol, EH, I'm not too far behind you.
I've got Cheers playing on Netflix, and I'm drinking an Angry Orchard hard cider (apple ginger, for the holidays), while I peruse RIU.
Not to mention the Cheeseberry that I'm vaping, which was grown under an Area 51 LED light.
Happy holidays, sir.



Well-Known Member
I've had Angry Orchard. Of all the apple flavored brews, they are the best one I think. And they have the coolest website I have ever seen, kudos to their web designer.

Happy Holidays all, be safe :D

Lol, EH, I'm not too far behind you.
I've got Cheers playing on Netflix, and I'm drinking an Angry Orchard hard cider (apple ginger, for the holidays), while I peruse RIU.
Not to mention the Cheeseberry that I'm vaping, which was grown under an Area 51 LED light.
Happy holidays, sir.



Well-Known Member
I know this thread is old but I just vegged a NLxSkunk#1 in about 45 days to sexual maturity ...prolly only 10 inches tall but bushy as a beetch. It was a 200 dollar light off eBay 270 watt 9 band. In a 4x4 tent I will tell you it light that thing up with an amazing intensity. My temps never get above 85 degrees and my power bill went up very little. I just switched to flower so I'll let you know how that goes


Well-Known Member
lol yea it is old :D from before I began to grow with LEDs looking at my first post on pages one :D