Budmaster 675w LED Grow

Ok so the formulex has done the job and the seedlings are now starting to grow. I accidentally knocked a pot over which broke a stem so I'm down to 5 candidates for my 4 pot grow. The CSSH is the largest seedling and if I'm honest I thing the soil mix with feed in has done it. I'll try formulex straight off the bat next time I germ some seeds and see how that compares. Moved the seedlings into the grow room and the BUDMASTER is at 1/2 light so they get used to the led. I'll put it on full when I've given them a day or so. Here's a pic or 2


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So today I decided to have a look at the little seedling and find out what's going on. I was pleasantly surprised to find a mass of roots circling the seedling pots they were in. Happily I have now transplanted into a 60/40 coco/hydrorock medium. I've fed them 1L of 1/2 formulex also. I like what this formulex stuff seems to do as I've never had a mass of roots like that at this stage. Unfortunately I didn't get a pic :0 Here are some pics I've just taken. image.jpgimage.jpg image.jpg image.jpg image.jpg image.jpg the last pic is the medium I'm using. Hydrorock on top is to prevent evaporation as it can be warmer in that room. My humidifier is also missing as it decided to go on strike so RH is 37 at the minute. Can't get a new one until early next week.
BUDMASTER is now on full strength. It's kept at the height of the grow tent as instructed by BUDMASTER. Just thought I should mention that. Can't turn the auto pots on until the roots have reached the bottom and the plants are well established. I believe the timing is why people have had poor results. I think maybe 2 weeks of hand watering will do the trick then swith it on. CANT WAIT!! lol I'm a bit excited about the pots.
One more thing:

Using a range of nutes called ionic by growth technology for this grow rather than the bio green as the organic type can clog the pipe work from res to pot so gone with mineral based nutes as recommended by autopot
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The root mass as such a young stage haha must be a pretty great product your using
I thought it was strange also. I have been worried about the lack of activity above ground so decided to take a look underneath. They are approx 2.5 weeks old and they had covered 65% of the pot. The pots aren't big though so it's not THAT impressive lol. Maybe 3x3 inch and 4 inches deep. But still more than I'm used to seeing.
Me too mate ha ha. I've always been an impatient sod lol
I know what you mean today my grandfather took me to his farm he grows legally he has his licence. He tells me he grows cause it's a passion to him he doesn't do it for profit or medical reason of ourse he does sell it but he was explaining me how it's an art etc. but when they took me inside instant smile on my face he's growing GSC and wow I was amazed made more Excited than I already was. The most dense bud I e ever felt they were literally solid
Here are some BudPorn of what I saw and that's just one room of 3
WOW !! They look great !! I keep hoping that it'll will become legal here, not for profit but because I LOVE growing these beautiful plants. Thanks for sharing those pics OP. Must be nice having a pro grower in the family lol.
WOW !! They look great !! I keep hoping that it'll will become legal here, not for profit but because I LOVE growing these beautiful plants. Thanks for sharing those pics OP. Must be nice having a pro grower in the family lol.
Yeah it is great I never really asked him for any help but he him self gave me a list and amounts to the feeding he gives his girls I was like wth! You use all these? Like 7 different nutes I was shocked haha. I told him I only use 3 lol he laughed at me :( but he passed down his knowledge to me I will try his feeding in my CSSH to see how it goes for me.
yea that 3rd pic was wots the word im looking for ehh VAST amounts of proper weed.i noticed his pots arent the biggest but he still gets good weight by the looks of things.i wish i had a papa like yours lol......