Budmaster cobx4 grow in 3x3 veg,possibly flowering under the same light n tent

Manage to get the money in just over a week I'll be heading to the bank tomorrow n buying my cobx9 and 2 cobx4...any suggestions on hanging patters .
Here's my 600w tent 20161211_200115_noexif.jpg 20161211_200113_noexif.jpg 20161211_200043_noexif.jpg 20161211_200029_noexif.jpg
Thinking of putting a box around me fans after seeing hoe much she dampens the fans. probably gonna put that net on at some stage but I use wires to support n general training attached to a bamboo..even have my temp tips fastened so u may have a struggle
That Dbxl5 is always a beast bottom right all shiny..think snapping the main stalk on the dbxl6 stopped the growth spurt so in giving her a little tweak for more coverage.main stalk on hers broken twice now (xanax + diazapam + cider = stay the fuck out ur grow room.) a few times with brute force training slowed her down a bit but she was what flipped on the 3rd so she may explode just yet
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Took 2 more cuts of the Dbxl5 I shouldn't of bought the cheapest pellets on ebay 22" ones. I'd thought yay I'll see the roots faster but they retain fuck all water they dry out daily.
5 50L canna soil arrived
Pertilite (big nuff)
And last but not least an extractor fan 4" ram it's amazing! definitely getting my next 6" will be those rams super quiet and great build n I used the box she arrived in for acoustic dampening n trust it's hard to get6" ducting around 4 inch fan in a box but I did the holes on the box at 6" n clipped off one of the ducting metal things n managed to get her tight and I'll tell u what lads do it u sobs it's truely amazing the rate she works at n in harmony with the other fan shits epic...I've been feeding my gg4 loads of calmag but I keep getting defs but it's in the one gg4 opposite the 16/19 inch so it might be wind burn so I turned her to 2..weird thing is I mix em all seperatly then the gg4 I give a bit of each so it's been getting the same nutes ffs y u no work gg4
Thanks btw..I was pruning the last day saw a small branch snip n off cane what was gonna be a nice cola so I used rooting gel reusable zip tie to hold it in place,wire n duct tape lol bottom right the Dbxl5 dbxl6 in the middle n rest are gg420161215_173157_noexif.jpg 20161215_173117_noexif.jpgand this pic was literally taken just b4 the lights came on 20161215_171027_noexif.jpgyou can see the duct tape grafting job lol
No more wind burn either she's on one now since the intake works so well never goes past 25 shuts insane very in pressed with the difference in temp control