budolskie's breeders boutique perpetual


Well-Known Member
well i have hoyed 1 of the shittest blueberry away and topped the other also brought 2 purple kush that was in my wilma. they been sitting on a towel drying for a few days as i tho i fucked them in hydro so just put in soil in my veg room to see how they go..

so heres a couple pics whats in there now....

1st 2 pics are the blueberry i have topped it was the worst looking plant out the lot of mine
3rd pic is 2 bb psycho killer cuts left and center and a bb dippy ellsy on the right
4th pic 4 blueberry cuts
5th pic is either bb deep psychosis or psycho killer (forgot to label the plant i took them off) LONG STORY
6th pic is birds eye view of all cuts

next 6 pics are the purple kush i brought along and put in soil and last pic them in the new home....

will be taking 3 to flower room tomorow 2 blueberrys and the deep psychosis or psycho killer which ever it is!

they will be potted into 10ltr pots and tied down and on 12/12 tomoz



Well-Known Member
well 1st few pics of the flowering girls 2 blueberry brought from my first fucked up attempt at hydro! and the first of my breeders boutique either psycho killer or deep phychosis she never got labelled up when repotted...

1st 3 pics are my first blueberry before and after i tied down
2nd 3 pics are my second blueberry before and after i tied down
3rd 4th pics is the bb strain
and last pic is them together under cooltube

will be back later with a little update on the veg room see how yous think things are going for my first perpetual



Well-Known Member
Looking good budolskie

Watering day for me later.

Gonna be breaking out the bamboo to begin a small amount of LST on the 2 bigger girls.



Well-Known Member
just repotted my big ones and waterd yesterday so couple days for me to water in the flower room just be along training them the first couple weeks they go in, heres a few of whats in the veg room im hoping my p kush, topped blueberry and breeders boutique dog and psycho killer can be ready to go on 12/12 in bout 3 weeks.

1st 2 pics is the bb psycho killer
3rd pic is 1 of the p kush
4th pic is the ohter p kush
5th pic is the bb dog
6th 2 pics the topped blueberry i was gona hoy out
8th pic is the 1st of the sweet n sour poppin
and last a quick shot from top of clones



Well-Known Member
Nice thread Bud.

I made a similar small cloner from a water bottle, for a small mint cutting,
the other day. I love to reuse stuff. :0)

Take care,



Well-Known Member
I've got a small tub I plan on making into a cloner for 8 just waiting on 6" dia circle air stone and gona get another air pump as I wana keep 1 with my flowering room for when I make that tank

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
ditto I've literally just ordered 6 inch round stone too. just gonna use dish scrubbers instead of them collar things work just as well.


Well-Known Member
I av noticed u use them do u use a full sponge for 1 cut and how big a hole you drill in lid for sponge to go in

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
i'm getting a better lunchbox to use n i'll do a step by step but its a piece of piss really just cut a postage size hole in the lid and the same out the sponge but slightly bigger so it doesn't fall through with a slit in. push it in and bobs your uncle.


Well-Known Member
well 2 bb sweet n sour seeds now broke the soil, and heres the box i plan on using for a cloner the size is 28x20cm and 13cm deep
What you gonna do?

Bubble cloner?

Or turn the whole thing into a propogator with internal light?



Well-Known Member
bubble cloner with a 6" circle air stone on bottom i only plan on putting 8 in at the most unsure of size pump i will need for it yet


Well-Known Member
I tried a bubble cloner with a margarine tub once.

I fucking hated it.

I had slime on the stems, no light leaking in due to using rubber gromits for the airline etc.

After 10 days I said fuck it and switch back.



Well-Known Member
im going to spray this black or tape it up black and give it a go the tub was on £1 air stone £5 already have a pump to try it but was planning on leaving that where the flowering room is for when i mix there feed up


Well-Known Member
Some H2o2 or even household bleach might help stop any slime etc.

Just thought I would add that.

Oh yeah nice PJ's by the way lol.


Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
spray will flake after a while mate, better to gaffer tape it a couple of times round and do a half inch line round the inside at the very top to stop light leaking in;)


Well-Known Member
well quick update of today 3 seeds now out the soil,

1st pic is of the blueberry clones i took from a plant i now have in the flower room i have tied the rockwool cubes tighter together with thread as i tried pulling a few of the clones other day and they were just pulling out the gel!

2nd pic the the bb pyscho killer lemon pheno
3rd pic is bb dog
4th and 5th is the 2 purple kush my first attempt at clones that did work!

hopefully have them 4 in the flower room in 3 weeks.......

6th and 7th pic is my 2 blue berry on in the flower room

8th and 9th is the deep psychosis or psycho killer i forgot to label as i reppotted but its a special from breeders boutique...

some bb smelly cherry and ss to come soon

