BUDS are looking frosty, but when will they fatten up? *pics*


Well-Known Member
You should be wondering why your fan leaves are almost completely yellow when you have a month yet to flower.
I got news for you. The vast majority of the fan leaves I can see in your pix will be on the floor in 10 days or less.
Once they are 100% yellow the fan leaves should be pulled off and discarded as they are no longer able to turn
light into plant energy. You do not appear to have enough green leaves to power the plant through another 4 weeks or so
of flowering.

This has happened to me a couple times in the past. If I remember correctly I eventually decided that my case of "early-yellow-fan
syndrome" was caused by over-nuting. Anyway, I hit them with full-strength flowering nutes after flushing and that helped. So, flush
your ladies with 2 gallons of water for each gallon of pot size and let drain. I use a 3-12-6 flowering nute that mixes with the daily
watering (daily watering for small pots) so I'll water the yellow plants with the nute-water for a week or 2. Flush with water again
and finish flowering. We'll be watching this space for your progress reports and pix.

Good luck, BigSteve.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Nice pics and nice plants bro... Yeah, u r only about halfway finished, and they still have alot of bulking up yet to do... I'd recommend feeding them with some black strap molassas/water to give the soil some natural sugars to eat, and it will help to break down some of the macro and micro nutes in the soil, making it easier to take up through the root system by making the minerals and trace elements more readily accessable to the plant, which will only help spur on some swelling, and it isn't bad for a lil' added sweetness, either... Just have patience... My flowering patch just got past this mid-stage of blooming, and r starting to really swell and chunk up every day a lil more... Itz very noticable when this next stage of growth begins...
Very well said bro. +rep !


Active Member
ya harvest ak48 around 65-80 days with that strain i would say when in doubt go a tad longer but what the trichs(look for cloudy/amber) and the pistils when they recede you are getting close. Looks good Happy growing and then smoking!