You should be wondering why your fan leaves are almost completely yellow when you have a month yet to flower.
I got news for you. The vast majority of the fan leaves I can see in your pix will be on the floor in 10 days or less.
Once they are 100% yellow the fan leaves should be pulled off and discarded as they are no longer able to turn
light into plant energy. You do not appear to have enough green leaves to power the plant through another 4 weeks or so
of flowering.
This has happened to me a couple times in the past. If I remember correctly I eventually decided that my case of "early-yellow-fan
syndrome" was caused by over-nuting. Anyway, I hit them with full-strength flowering nutes after flushing and that helped. So, flush
your ladies with 2 gallons of water for each gallon of pot size and let drain. I use a 3-12-6 flowering nute that mixes with the daily
watering (daily watering for small pots) so I'll water the yellow plants with the nute-water for a week or 2. Flush with water again
and finish flowering. We'll be watching this space for your progress reports and pix.
Good luck, BigSteve.
I got news for you. The vast majority of the fan leaves I can see in your pix will be on the floor in 10 days or less.
Once they are 100% yellow the fan leaves should be pulled off and discarded as they are no longer able to turn
light into plant energy. You do not appear to have enough green leaves to power the plant through another 4 weeks or so
of flowering.
This has happened to me a couple times in the past. If I remember correctly I eventually decided that my case of "early-yellow-fan
syndrome" was caused by over-nuting. Anyway, I hit them with full-strength flowering nutes after flushing and that helped. So, flush
your ladies with 2 gallons of water for each gallon of pot size and let drain. I use a 3-12-6 flowering nute that mixes with the daily
watering (daily watering for small pots) so I'll water the yellow plants with the nute-water for a week or 2. Flush with water again
and finish flowering. We'll be watching this space for your progress reports and pix.
Good luck, BigSteve.