Buds drying out on LIVE plants?!?!


Active Member
I know its hard to kill it after all that time and Love and care.... but you need to take the plunge at some point.....she will get you toasted ...enjoy :^D
You have been really helpful!!! i tried to give you several +reps but it wont let me cuz they say i have to spread it around lol


Active Member
Could anybody possibly give me a rough estimate on what you might think the yield would b?! I know it's the question that shouldn't b asked but I'm curious! Just give it your best guess based on the pics, enviroment and everything provided. I was hoping for a qp.


Active Member
looks awsome
you have 800 w of hps for one plant ????
Yes lol plus another 1000w equivelent of cfl as side lighting. I know it's alot but I had all these lights I kept gettin from diff people so I just kept putting em up. I have 2 300w cfls plus 4 100w cfls surrounding the plant.


Well-Known Member
Well if its mostly sativa and it flowered for 11 weeks then it's fine, if not a little early. Sativas commonly flower 12-14 weeks in my experience. They look good though, nice work :)


Active Member
Well if its mostly sativa and it flowered for 11 weeks then it's fine, if not a little early. Sativas commonly flower 12-14 weeks in my experience. They look good though, nice work :)
Damn really I unplugged all the timers already! In ur opinion does she look under ripe? She is 75% sativa


Well-Known Member
She doesnt look under ripe, 11 weeks isnt exactly a short flower time. I didn't think that all trichs went amber anyway? Dry it, cure it, smoke it, and let us know :)


Well-Known Member
if i was you i would have pull it, dried it, cured it and smoked it to the face by now

VERY nice plant


Well-Known Member
Damn man 11 weeks on skunk #1? That just seems like a long time. She looks like she is begging to be chopped, dried, cured, and then smoked bro do it to it. And I say right around a qp if not more those are some DENSE looking nugs you have there bro +rep!!!!



Well-Known Member
Congrats on your first little girl. That plant is done for. Even if it wasn't done, there aren't any leaves so it isn't gathering any more energy. May as well chop it down.

Next time with that much light and that much energy you might try being more efficient. Even if you get a QP isn't it still a waste of time? You're running nearly 1000w's in this room and you're hoping for a QP? Yikes.


Active Member
Congrats on your first little girl. That plant is done for. Even if it wasn't done, there aren't any leaves so it isn't gathering any more energy. May as well chop it down.

Next time with that much light and that much energy you might try being more efficient. Even if you get a QP isn't it still a waste of time? You're running nearly 1000w's in this room and you're hoping for a QP? Yikes.
i know its alot of energy but i wanted to go all out! i shoulda had like 5 more plants under it but i work at a medical cultivation lab and they had some extra lights so i decided why not have a plant at home! at my work we have 42 PEACH TREE size(as my boss likes to call em) all in there own ebb and flo 5 gal buckets but she doesnt think i can grow so all i do is paper work and the occasional pruning help so i wanted to show her i can b a full time grower! ive done alot of research and i have tons of knowledge of the plant. im just learning to apply it! id b damn proud if i got a qp!


Active Member
ya she is in her 48 hour dark period before the CHOP but i just turned on the lights for like 5 min cuz my friend came over and i really wanted to show him!!! i cant help but show her off! i'm very proud of her. even tho i started off a newb in miracle grow organic soil i just kept upgrading everything. i think if i did it in a good soil it'd b even better


Well-Known Member
I gotcha. At least your first one was a success! That's a big + right there. I'm not knocking your first grow in any way, I'm saying now it's time to start working on it. I'm guilty of not working on it myself. I grow however I think I will enjoy to watch it most, not by how much product I will have at the end.

Sometimes I think watching alot of plants fill a space and building a canopy sounds fun. Hell a SCROG looks interesting and I may try that on my next one. Sometimes I just want monster cola's and big ass nugz...and that's a whole 'nother story all together.

I dig your plants and I wish you the bests.

Happy Smokin':joint:


Active Member
I gotcha. At least your first one was a success! That's a big + right there. I'm not knocking your first grow in any way, I'm saying now it's time to start working on it. I'm guilty of not working on it myself. I grow however I think I will enjoy to watch it most, not by how much product I will have at the end.

Sometimes I think watching alot of plants fill a space and building a canopy sounds fun. Hell a SCROG looks interesting and I may try that on my next one. Sometimes I just want monster cola's and big ass nugz...and that's a whole 'nother story all together.

I dig your plants and I wish you the bests.

Happy Smokin':joint:
thank you! i tried to give you +rep but it says ive given it out too much in 24hrs. this was my chance to show that i can grow this plant! i have really developed a love for this plant and im passionate about all aspects of growing! if i get alot of smoke then thats just a bonus!!!!

fat sam

Well-Known Member
illl bet that if you look at the bottom of the pots you will see white crust built up on the bottom, i had a plant that this happened to and basicly whats going on is the salt is keeping the plant from sucking up all the nutrients and water it needs, ill bet with a good flush it will clear up
illl bet that if you look at the bottom of the pots you will see white crust built up on the bottom, i had a plant that this happened to and basicly whats going on is the salt is keeping the plant from sucking up all the nutrients and water it needs, ill bet with a good flush it will clear up
i agree. But all the leaves are dried up, so the possibility of letting it recover would probably do more harm then good at this point. really nice colas on the top. I wish I could guess the dry weight.. kinda hard with that plant. i'll say 4 oz probably wrong, but screw it.

let us know how it smokes!