Buds for Less - CFL BOOK

It's always fun to watch someone poke at the author of the book on the author's OWN FORUM. :dunce: At least he's doin something with his life. loser.

Yeah, he's lying to the readers, and making money off it. There is cleary no place for those hoods in his pictures. What happens when other people catch on, and rumors get big? He's going to have to own up to it. I tried those before he ever thought of this book. Those hoods gathered up the heat, and got too hot to touch. I thought I was going to have a fire. Mine were further apart than his too because the hoods take up space, DUH!!!!!! He did not have nearly enough space between the bulbs to use those hoods LIAR!!!! I don't completely dislike the book, it does expose how good CFLs are, but lying......I bet Ed Rosenthal told him to use those.

I got rid of those pieces of shit, and got a tin econowing. Much better. I have a tight cluster of light. I grow vegetables. Check this out.



Yeah, he's lying to the readers, and making money off it. There is cleary no place for those hoods in his pictures. What happens when other people catch on, and rumors get big? He's going to have to own up to it. I tried those before he ever thought of this book. Those hoods gathered up the heat, and got too hot to touch. I thought I was going to have a fire. Mine were further apart than his too because the hoods take up space, DUH!!!!!! He did not have nearly enough space between the bulbs to use those hoods LIAR!!!! I don't completely dislike the book, it does expose how good CFLs are, but lying......I bet Ed Rosenthal told him to use those.

I got rid of those pieces of shit, and got a tin econowing. Much better. I have a tight cluster of light. I grow vegetables. Check this out.

Hey, Professor, which CFLs did you use? Did you even take into consideration that there are more than one type of a CFL? The temp depends on the wattage. Did you have fans or any type of circulation to distrupt the heat from your 'hoods'...? Did you daisy chain 4 surge protectors and hope for the best? Just because SMB didn't show a fan in the book, doesn't mean it wasn't there. Why don't we have any pictures from you to show the "almost fire" which "almost burnt down your house." kiss-ass:peace:

smile much, love more. mwuah.
Hey, Professor, which CFLs did you use? Did you even take into consideration that there are more than one type of a CFL? The temp depends on the wattage. Did you have fans or any type of circulation to distrupt the heat from your 'hoods'...? Did you daisy chain 4 surge protectors and hope for the best? Just because SMB didn't show a fan in the book, doesn't mean it wasn't there. Why don't we have any pictures from you to show the "almost fire" which "almost burnt down your house." kiss-ass:peace:

smile much, love more. mwuah.

Who said anything about a fire burning down my house you immature jackass?

For an author you sure act like a little brat. I said I thought I was going to have a fire. You quoted it yourself.

I'm growing vegetables in a hall closet. I read your book for posterity. It was devoid of information, and I took it back.

I hear it is required reading at some school. I can't understand why.
The only reason I even came on the Buds for less forum topic was because I don't like being lied to. I honestly saw no room for those reflectors anywhere, in any picture in your book.

I had, and have mine equally spaced along the cieling of the room, and have tried every CFL that I could ever find, tested it with a light meter, measured it's heat build-up, grown at least six different plants at a time for control experiments, etc. I am an actual scientist. Thanks for calling me Professor. How did you know?

Do you know how a plant consumes light, and why they like CFLs so much? Do you realize that watts is a stupid way to measure light when referring to plants? Go to college, instead of sitting around smoking pot, and spitting out literature.

Do me a favor, and actually read what I wrote this time before you start mis-quoting me again.

By the way, a lot of you have great ideas on the cfl arrays. Hanging them all by their cords in a wierd knot is a bad idea. (I can't believe that made it into a published book. That will promote unsafe habits as well.)
The only reason I even came on the Buds for less forum topic was because I don't like being lied to. I honestly saw no room for those reflectors anywhere, in any picture in your book.

I had, and have mine equally spaced along the cieling of the room, and have tried every CFL that I could ever find, tested it with a light meter, measured it's heat build-up, grown at least six different plants at a time for control experiments, etc. I am an actual scientist. Thanks for calling me Professor. How did you know?

Do you know how a plant consumes light, and why they like CFLs so much? Do you realize that watts is a stupid way to measure light when referring to plants? Go to college, instead of sitting around smoking pot, and spitting out literature.

Do me a favor, and actually read what I wrote this time before you start mis-quoting me again.

By the way, a lot of you have great ideas on the cfl arrays. Hanging them all by their cords in a wierd knot is a bad idea. (I can't believe that made it into a published book. That will promote unsafe habits as well.)

Alright, jam your fucking uptight hype. STop the high and mighty bullshit, all the book is showing how capable and easy it is to grow the herb, with a simple setup and has some nice little nifty tips and tricks. Jam man...Jeez
real talk, calm down bro. it's one thing to say "eh.. didn't care for the book" and its another to rip it apart and piss on it.

also, where is your book have you been published? at least he is doing something with his life. he has written SEVERAL other books, and produced a few grow DVD's as well. he's also well respected in the underground scene.

get a life. loser.

real talk, calm down bro. it's one thing to say "eh.. didn't care for the book" and its another to rip it apart and piss on it.

also, where is your book have you been published? at least he is doing something with his life. he has written SEVERAL other books, and produced a few grow DVD's as well. he's also well respected in the underground scene.

get a life. loser.


Kudos to you.
Who said anything about a fire burning down my house you immature jackass?

For an author you sure act like a little brat. I said I thought I was going to have a fire. You quoted it yourself.

I'm growing vegetables in a hall closet. I read your book for posterity. It was devoid of information, and I took it back.

I hear it is required reading at some school. I can't understand why.

Ahh and the name calling ensues. Talk about flatulent immaturity. Oh, and I never said I was the author. Assumption is the mother of all screw ups. You probably downloaded the book off the net for free anyway, so whatever. Don't worry, it's your world and we all live in it. If you have nothing better to do than slam someone who made a "Grow Journal," yes a GROW JOURNAL, and buy it and bitch, piss and moan because it didn't meet your standards to grow tomatoes, then maybe you should buy a veggie grow guide from Lowes or Home Depot. peace! :bigjoint:
The ones at Lowes and Home Depot have much more information in them.

And as far as I can tell they didn't lie. That's my gripe. Why did he pretend to use those hoods? Can someone prove me wrong here?

You guys sure like to just mouth off. I guess that's what these places are good for, anonymous slander of others. Let's tell other people how much they suck and then say peace....Like that makes it all better right?

Well, I'll leave you narrow minded insult slingers to your little pot forum, and go run my business. Oops, I guess I'm doing something with my life.
The ones at Lowes and Home Depot have much more information in them.

And as far as I can tell they didn't lie. That's my gripe. Why did he pretend to use those hoods? Can someone prove me wrong here?

You guys sure like to just mouth off. I guess that's what these places are good for, anonymous slander of others. Let's tell other people how much they suck and then say peace....Like that makes it all better right?

Well, I'll leave you narrow minded insult slingers to your little pot forum, and go run my business. Oops, I guess I'm doing something with my life.

Haha, we like to mouth off? Says you... Hmmm dude fucking chill out, smoke a doobie. Stop Chatting shit, we dont know you, you dont know us. Dont call us narrow minded or anything. And, id say alot of people on this site are doing shit with their lives...

Really man, calm down...
You guys sure like to just mouth off. I guess that's what these places are good for, anonymous slander of others. Let's tell other people how much they suck and then say peace....Like that makes it all better right?

Well, I'll leave you narrow minded insult slingers to your little pot forum, and go run my business. Oops, I guess I'm doing something with my life.

BTW our little pot forum? Who forced you to become a member?


Hi everyone, care to help a newbie out?

I did 2.5 months of research before I started my first grow and I'm almost 4 weeks in. Somehow I missed the fact that my probe type pH tester is only meant for dirt and not water so I've been relying on bad pH readings in my water this whole time. Thank god the water (store brand distilled) wasn't too far out of range, the only one of my plants that seemed to mind is my Blueberry which many people tell me are "tempermental" and sensative to just about everything.

Now that I know how to get a half way accurate reading (using aquarium test strips, will be going digital on my first harvest) I was trying to figure out the best pH for my water. I picked up Buds for Less because I remembered the pH chart in the begining of the book, this was the first book I bought when I started researching. This time when I read it I knew a lot more and I read something on pages IV & V that really has me intrigued.

He first says that he adjusted the water's pH to 7.4 because the dirt had a pH of 5.1. Then he says that 6.2 or 6.3 is the ideal pH. And he goes on to say that the pH of the soil determines the best pH of the water.

When I add those three things together, what it tells me is that 6.2 to 6.3 is the ideal pH when you average the pH of the water with the pH of the dirt. Since he seems to indicate (but never comes out and says) that 12.5 is the ideal pH when the dirt's pH is added to the water's pH then it would produce an average of 6.25 which is right in the middle of 6.2 & 6.3.

This would explain why I've seen so many people having arguments on the best water pH in a soil grow, it could be they have different pH'd soil and they just don't realize that the soil's pH has a relation to the water's pH. It seems to be popular opinion that there's 1 correct soil pH and 1 correct water pH.

Anyway here's my question, is it best to have both the soil & water at around a 6.2 to 6.3 pH? Should I try to lower the pH in my soil which is a 7 now so I don't have to pH the water at a 5.5? Or should I just get test strips that test for levels below 6? Or am I completely wrong about the way I interpreted what I read?

I may have to put my plants into flower on Friday and tommorow is going to be the last time I water and the last chance I get to change the soil's pH while in veg. If someone can anwer that question before I water tommorw I'd really appreciate it.
Hola SeeMore, I bought the book & am wondering about the where, when and how to set up and use (redundancy? what redundancy?) the "odor eating lights" listed in the supplies section. Everybody seems to poo-poo their use, seems to favor the carbon filter thingy. I'd just as soon use the odor eliminating CFLs -- but I don't want to adversly affect the quality of the bud. Oh no. No. No. Not that. Appreciate your help.
Also, there's nothing in the book about airflow. Just stick an oscillating fan in your microgrow closet and all is jake? No intake? No exhaust? I know I ask a lot of questions, but it's cold outside.
The ones at Lowes and Home Depot have much more information in them.

And as far as I can tell they didn't lie. That's my gripe. Why did he pretend to use those hoods? Can someone prove me wrong here?

You guys sure like to just mouth off. I guess that's what these places are good for, anonymous slander of others. Let's tell other people how much they suck and then say peace....Like that makes it all better right?

Well, I'll leave you narrow minded insult slingers to your little pot forum, and go run my business. Oops, I guess I'm doing something with my life.

Hey fuck face.. i take that personally. Guess it's up to me to put ya in your place.
k here it goes..

For one, I too am doing something with my life... just because I smoke pot doesn't mean I just sit around all day and do nothing (like the media seems to think).. I mean sure some people that smoke pot might not be doing anything with their life and sit around doing nothing all day.

But I on the other hand.. do not fall into that category. What kind of business you run? Just curious... as I too run my own business... been doing it for years.

Also, why do you come on this site? Do you smoke pot? Or do you just go around all day to different forums.. and look for someone to pick on?? You one of those tough guys? One of these fake ass internet gangsters?? That sits behind a computer all day lurking to find someone to pick on... because your tired of your life.. and hate your life so you have to come online to pick on people?? What??? You can't go out in the real world and pick on people.. and talk shit to people??? Why can't you do that? I bet it's because you've tried it before.. and got your ass handed to you on a silver platter. Am I getting close here? Because I feel personally.. like I nailed it!

My suggestion to you... you should probably just calm down... and smoke one.
arghhh.. I hate people like that. :cuss:

So go fuck yerself dude... maybe once you grow up some you can come back without having to run your mouth.

To everyone else?? Happy holiday's!
Wish everyone the best!

The only reason I even came on the Buds for less forum topic was because I don't like being lied to.

Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful -- you bought a pot cultivation book because you wanted to grow tomatoes in the closet or something, and came to this pot cultivation site because you didn't want to be lied to.

Oh, man. You can't smoke; Ganja won't have you, Jah don't know you. Jesus wouldn't recognize you. Oh my God...
If you wanted to go all organic, what would you recommend for a mix and nutes? I was thinking Fox Farm ocean forest, and some peaceful valley 1-5-5, and possibly a splash of kelp juice.....

I've seen some great grows from fox farms. That seems to be the general consensus. You may want to supplement fox farms with straight nitrogen though (organic blood meal). As far as hitting all the trace minerals and other major nutes though--fox farms seems to be a safe and consistent bet.