Buds have seeds, harvest now?


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, I had a male in my room and it seemed to pollinate some of the other plants. I have a couple plants that have a few weeks to a month more on them but I can see some seeds just by looking at the buds so should I harvest now? I figured the plant might spend the next few weeks producing more seeds. The buds are good size and I am sure will smoke well. Should I continue to let them finish or chop now?


Well-Known Member
If you plan on keeping the seeds make sure they are dark and have stripes. lots of them. If you dont care about the seeds, cut her whenever you feel shes ready. Or whenever you want to


Active Member
Id let the seeeds finiish.. The buds are already seedy miight as well let them mature out, nd then you'll at least have seeds for next grow..


Well-Known Member
i did see a post on someone with this situation, he harvested early with the seeds not ripe
what he got was bud with tiny, immature seeds that was impossible to separate the immature seed from the bud
which could be undesirable


Well-Known Member
I had the same problem last grow. The good news-my plant with seeds was the best smoke I grew. Picking out seeds doesn't bother me. Back in the day, that was the norm! Let it finish out and just look on the seeds as a bonus! I know they say that the plant devotes energy to the seeds at the expense of potency. In my experience that is not true. I have revegged the same plant and I can't wait to do a comparison when it is seedless vs seeded.


Well-Known Member
Growone makes a good point - it is alot easier to separate seeds out when they're fully formed - those little immature seeds can be a right pain in the ass as you're constantly having to crush every little ball shaped thing between ur fingers to see is it abit of ball-shaped bud or is it a tiny seed?!! Lol!

And tho i've never grown plants specifically to harvest seed, i would guess that u still need to flower for the normal 8 - 9 weeks, etc, so as to ensure what bud is on there still reaches its mature, good harvestable levels of THC & CBD, etc. To my mind, cutting a plant 3 to 4 weeks early just cause its seeded would still only result in giving bud of a quality equal to chopping a non-seeded plant 3 to 4 weeks early; i.e. not as strong or as tasty as it could've been. I know when they get seeded that plants put most of their energy into making seed, but i'm pretty certain they still ripen & finish off their flowers as well (if i remember rightly its cause they still wanna attract as much pollen as possible before season ends). I would agree with the others here who say leave it to finish as normal, but i may well be wrong & would be interested to hear from anyone who does know more too!


Well-Known Member
whether you keep the seeds or not..harvesting early will not help...other than give you a harsh high and way less yield than you would get if you let the plant finish.


Well-Known Member
Just know that however strong what you get is, it could have been stronger...lol


Well-Known Member
As everyone has already said. Might as well grow them out.
If you dont want the seeds its easier to separate when they are larger/mature.
And if you want the seeds (Don't see why not) you'll want to wait a month or so before harvesting so the seeds are viable.


Well-Known Member
I wish I had some seeds for the shit I got right now, I did not grow it but geeezzz.

To answer your question harvest the same time as if the seeds were not there. The fact that they are there sucks but dont pull your buds early and lose the thc content or it wont be any good.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for all the replies guys. The strains that were affected are Royal Flush and Bubblegum. They are looking great besides the seed part!

Jar Man

Active Member
Watch 'em! Depending on how heavily or lightly seeded they are, they will likely finish a little sooner than if they were full sensimilla (seedless). Don't worry about losing or having less potency due to them being seeded either. Many good sources including Ed Rosenthal's MGG state seeded buds can be every bit as potent and tasty as seedless if harvested and dried properly.


Well-Known Member
I have had seeded and non seeded plants of the same strain, and there was absolutely no difference in potency.