Buds look to be reverting to veg state again


Active Member
Im doin an outdoor grow and i had cought some punks trying to get into my backyard at night. so when my dog started barking i ran outback to see what was goin on. armed with a mag light and my stubnose. i flashed the light around looking and someone took off running from behind my fence. i saw the back of their red swaetshirt. so since then i have had two more ocassions when someone was behind my fence . evertime i grab my mag light to see. my plants were in begenning of flowering except one that bloomed really early this year. all the plants had nice white hairs on them in clusters. they were perfect. now im seing two plants around where i was shinning my light that look to be poking leaves out of the top of the bud but real slight. they are almost mixed in with the hairs.none of the branches have started reaching for light again or stretching. but the one early bloomer was right in the light big time and its still blooming just fine. its almost done its bubbleberry and shes due in three weeks. my question is since the bubble berry plant didnt revert back to veg from the mag light does that mean the other plants probably didnt either and they are just leafier strain? i would think if one got too much light when i shined it on them then they all got it cause i wasnt prejudice at all about shinnig the light around buut it was reall brief only for like maybe 10 15 seconds just to make sure no one was around them and to look behind the fence? let me know what you think. i


Well-Known Member
your mag light is not going to make your plants revert back to veg state. Maybe if you kept the light on the plant for HOURS at a time it might have an effect, but 10-15 seconds aint shit.


Active Member
my dog is a purebred german shepherd trust me no one is getting into my yard on her watch. she is extremely protective. but there are ways to get past a dog.. well im glad to hear that my plants wont go back into veg from my light. i got some neat strains this year. i got BubbleBerry, Trainwreck, Afghani Goo, G-13, Blue Moonshine, Sour Grape Haze, and a Blueberry Romulin mother plant that was 8 months old when i put her now her stock is as big around as my forearm and she 5 foot tall. i will post pics later today or tommorow


Well-Known Member
It's not pitch black out anyway, unless you're way out in the sticks. No damage.
Besides, it's not the easiest thing in the world to get a plant to re-veg . . . it takes time and planning.


Active Member
all day yesterday and this morning i spent making a 10 foot home made fence a foot infront of the existing fence. My yard is lined with those real tall skinny cypress trees. so between them i intertwined Tie wire between all my trees every six inches going up to ten feet. and the cut little peiced of wire to tie all the main wires together and left 2 in ch long tails of wire sticking out of every where. thismorniing i went and got 200 utility knife razer blades from the hardware store and im going to get a peice of metal and use it to press the blades into the tops of the fence length wise with the blade edge up.so if they try to jump my fence they will get their fingers cut off hopefully.I also bought a motion detector and two cheap extension cords and i took the motion detector apart and ran the wires to the female ends of both extension cords so when motion is detected my steroe turns on full blst in my garden they will have to be more creative than me if they want my patch


New Member
yeah , that otta keep em out, lol. you should buy double edged carpet razor blades, those will take fingers off guarenteed, nice clean cut, lol. they say there as sharp as surgens knives, lol. cant wait to see some pics...:bigjoint:


Active Member
My dog goes where ever she wants in the backyard. she isnt chained up. and my yard isnt that big at all. the problem is the smell. i cant help it if my shit stinks ha ha ha. i just moved to this place and im moving again in december. so im growing in a new area. i havent ever had to worry about other people cause i have always lived on the outskirts of town. and town is not extremely huge. i have been doin this for a while so if anyone has any questions please feel free to ask. maybe i could help you make your shit stink too. ha ha ha


Active Member
they are all budding and the aerliest will be donein a couple weeks and the latest should be done by halloween.


Well-Known Member
i want pix of the fooker jumping that fence with blades, it makes me feel so evil and fuzzy inside ;)


Active Member
I know huh. it makes me feel a little more at ease. ok im gonna go take some pics right now be back in a bit


Active Member
ok photos 144 145 146 are all bubbleberry, 147 is train wreck, 148 is afghani goo, 150 is a mystery strain, in photo 151 the plant with the fencing around it is G-13 and the smaller plant outside the cage is sour grape haze. my camera doesnt help me any. it doesnt seem to take good close up pics during the day when there is too much sun. so i will have another photo shoot tonight. I put the train wreck and bubble berry in theground in late june. everything else was planted july 15th. ya i know they arent that big but for a late start and not alot of sun they arent looking too bad. i will post a pic of one of my partners plants. its sooo fucking huge. 6 foot tall and five foot round. maybe bigger enjoy let me know what you think



Active Member
sorry about the last descriptions they didnt match once posted so here they are 1, 2, and 8 are bubbleberry 3 is train wreck, 5 is afghani goo, 6 is a mystery strain, and 7 is a shot of the fence. i havent put the blades in this part yet but the fencing is up , if you l;ook real close you can see the wire i ran back and forth between the trees. i had to use the fence as a background so you can slightly see the wires.
these i think arent bad at all. i live almost three miles from the beach so i think the climate really helps. some have been in for two and a half months and others for one and a half. not too impressive but but i think if i had an earlier start they would be alot bigger right now. i usually plant in mid may. second weekend in may but i moved here in june from 5 hours away and scrambled for clones when i got here. i dont know too many people here so its not the easiest task. i got it done though. CHECK OUT MY HOMEMADE FENCE! what do you think? it goes up ten feet. its two foot in front of the wood fence