Buds not Budding?

100_1614.jpg100_1615.jpg100_1617.jpgHey guys, so im about 10 weeks into this grow but i feel like the buds havent fully matured at all yet. My guess is that maybe another two weeks before a harvest, but my guess is as good as a monkeys.

This grow did suffer some problems but has gotten this far.
90w LED UFO, 2 23w cfl, 2 100w cfl.
PH: 6.8.
Flushing now, it did suffer some burn. I also think i have over trimmed some of it fan leaves because they looked dead.

I'm just looking for some direction to go now because i dont want to waste any of this, so if i could harvest and make edibles i think i would to.


Well-Known Member
From the looks of them you have a cpl more wks.. Whats the strain and how much nutes were you giving them?


Well-Known Member
Look over watered as well two week set back per fuck-up mean's you added 4 week's to the grow and will loose substantial bud's root's not strong enough to store enough sugar for filling out check your root's when you crop they won't be a bright white...........more like gray and soft...........it get's better every time my friend good luck jack


Active Member
it isn't weird for some strains to flower for 14 weeks or so. think about it, some outdoor grows flower from july (give or take) to oct or nov ( give or take ). but yeah your lights might be too far away to get a proper ratio. get a magnifying glass,check the trichs, and wait for the leave tips to curl back At least she's healthy.


Active Member
:hump:IMG_0001.jpgLooks hella nute burned, the flush was a good thing, Do it again as soon as it drys out. You are real close to done, Chem nutes need to be flushed anyway before harvest.. Then harvest before your lights come on. those plump hairs are still splatering your buds, watch for a few of those tri chromes to turn amber looking. If you wait too long you will end up with tiny yellow male flowers (banannas). I tried the led ufo for a while worst money I've ever spent... The tech hopefully will catch up with the idea, and I'll wait untill more possitive results are in. Meanwhile, I'm back to the old fashion Thousand watt mh/hps combo with 6 inch hood "Yield master II". I currently run one in my veg room with a eyehortilux mh bulb, My bloom room runs one of the same fixtures with eyehortilux hps, with enhanced blue spectum these lamp hood combos can be purchased online through Igrowhydro, for 235.00 that includes your bulb for 35.00 extra. other than a 4ft 4 bulb t5 unit from the same co, I use nothing else cfl included... peace. P.S here is a new batch from my own seed melungeon magic and the B.O.M.B. germed and planted mar 23, they are now 40 inches tall this morning!!!! no extra nutes just the amendments I re fortifiy my used soil with. All organic!!!


Active Member
The big indicator that you have over watered is the yellow tips on your leaves. This is the begining of cellular necrosis. or over watering.