Buds seemed great on plant but when I harvetsed.. No density???


Plants grew great! Tons of Trichromes everything went fine..
But after drying it just did not have the density I had hoped?? Most of the buds were loose and a little scraggly! Could this just be the strain? The definately looked done! The tutrned that deeper more thicker color, The trichromes we milky ans some were turning amber so I know it was not an early harvest?
What do ya Think?? could it just be thew strain? To be honest, these were just some clones I got around the way, the smoke is good and gets ya really high.
Just unsure what the issue is.... The Strain, Too much rain at the end of the cycle, To cold at night (down to 41-45deg quite a few nights)
Just wondering if the plants got rea;;y stressed or if some plants just dont produce heavy dense buds?
Please holla back thanks!


Well-Known Member
i harvest at 30-50% amber trics ,, if yours were just turning amber id say you cudov left it a week or maybe more and your nuggest mitov filled out a lil bit more m8..


Active Member
They might of filled out a little more but they do shrink and i am noticing strain makes a dfference,,, for density


Active Member
what was ur temps like throughout the day??...heat stress can cause lanky buds which is why i ask...


Well-Known Member
Genetics, Humidity and Temperature are the 3 largest factors when it comes to dence buds.

Good genetics
35% Humidity
26 C temp


Well-Known Member
yes, i agree with corbat (experience and tons of reading..)

number one , genetics ( huge buds are often related to the strain big bud f.e.) some plants just never get dense, while the strain next to it has so dense buds you couldnt budge them.
2-3x heavier though same size.

(usually the biggest and densest buds arent that potent either, compared to the really potent plants (kick ass sativas often have tiny flowers and wispy)

cant change that. (though i wouldnt judge the strain after one run (unless i was a very experienced grower perhaps)

nr 2 heat. (not an awful difference, not if everything else is right)

humdity, some difference,

but the latter 2 would only make for about 5% difference or so, if all else was right (maybe 10-15% together, though perhaps even as little as a percent, depending on strain, some strains like heat and humidity or lack of either)


Yeh i am guessing it was rhe strain! I dont really think an extra week would have done much! Have a different straim that is still out.
Dis not flower til 2 weeks after the above mentioned. If they turn out to be better nugs... Then i will know!
Yes fed them FF Tiger Bloom temps were what they were... 50-60night 90+ day but varied! Was really humid this summer aroind me though!
Got some widow and kush so next time should hit hard!


Well-Known Member
The plants I have that only get 4-5 hour of direct sun don't have as dense of buds as the ones that get 7-8 hours. Just sayin....... It might not be genetics.