If thats the case then your plant is pre-flowering. Unless your growing outdoors, which your not, then you can keep a plant vegetating for months and months without seeing flowers. Your not gonna see any nugs on that plant unless you make some LIGHT PROOF space for it. It needs to have 12 hours of un-interrupted darkness for it to fully trigger, and start producing heavily. From the sounds of it though, if its got white hairs everywhere (and id love to see pics), then its gotta be a nice, vigourous plant. the sooner you get it to 12/12 the better my dude. Once it's there, itll take 8-13 or 14 wks to flower completely, depending on wether its and indica or Sativa. All of these answers are in the FAQ's though bro. You should be looking there for ANYTHING you want to know.
hope that helped man. Happy growing!