this is my first successful grow and the buds are finally coming... i put some pictures in my gallery. check them out... do they look good? and how do i tell when they are ready?
you will get more folks checking if you just Go Advanced>Scroll to manage attachments>browse click and upload. They show up as thumbnails in the bottom of the post. Can do up to five per post. You gotta make it easy for us dummies. VV
Click on reply. See the two grey boxes at the bottom? Click on Go Advanced. Scroll down until you see another grey box, below the icons etc. It says manage attachments. Click on that. Iy will bring up a new window that will alow you to browse for the picture on your computer, 4 of them in fact. Don't forget to UPLOAD them. Just below those 4 is one more that you can use. UPload it. Then close this window. Preview post. See the pictures, Good job. VV