Budworm Stunted Late Flowering Growth. Should I Harvest Early?


This plant just isn't taking off as well as it's sister and they're in late flower. She's suffered a budworm infestation that I've all but eradicated. I literally have pulled pull them out of the bud's stalk...How depressing. Anyway. Should I continue to allow her to flower or just cut my losses and harvest now?



Well-Known Member
I've been in the same boat. If it looks like you can continue to hold the budworms at bay, then I'd let them finish. If there's a certain branch that is infested, then perhaps harvest just that branch. Same goes for individual colas. If some are irretrievably lost, clip them off and leave the rest.


Well-Known Member
looks like you have a nice pic of one hiding in the buds too 3rd pic dead center is a brown bud worm (meaning.. he's is making a nice house there to turn brown)

I dont use anything to kill mine. just hours of hunting and then I do this...



Yep I took that one on purpose. I pulled him out and torched him to death for him crimes against humanity.

It looks like my worms are actually living in the stems of some of the buds...no wonder this poor plant is so stunted. Is there any hope for her or should I just cut it down before things get worse?


Well-Known Member
Yep I took that one on purpose. I pulled him out and torched him to death for him crimes against humanity.

It looks like my worms are actually living in the stems of some of the buds...no wonder this poor plant is so stunted. Is there any hope for her or should I just cut it down before things get worse?

your plant will be fine.. just make sure you keep on top of them.. budworms will go to the warmest part of the plant during cold temps and during daytime or warmer weather they will move (about the time the sun comes up is the best time to hunt) look for black or brown dots (bud worm shit) then in that bud cluster hunt for them and destroy em!


It looks like this is a war that I'm losing. While I haven't found anymore caterpillars after a thorough inspection...The overall health of the plant just looks like a 'slow death'. The plant looks hurt and sad...Discoloration, dying fan leaves, airy bud structure..and a much reduced amount of trics compared to it's sister counterpart.
