Bug ID? Pic included


Well-Known Member
Noticed these guys on a plant. Any idea what they are? They don't tend to move a lot, only when I touch them.

yep, aphids, get some merit 52 or promis, and fast, or lose the plant.
Bayer Products has a formula that kills aphids. Bayer Complete Insect Killer( walmart usually carries it). Works great! had these suckers pop up about 6 mths ago, they cross contaminate well and any other plant touching an aphid infested plant will also have them. Get this stuff and saturate your grow. Any plants with buds/trics cannot be sprayed. You can keep any infected flowering plants aphid free by simply going in daily/2x's daily and killing them by smashing them with your fingers. Aphids can be born preggers and multiply in 24 hr periods. Nasty fuckers these are!
I decided just to toss the plant with aphids on it, was a clone gifted to me. Would rather not endure the headache of them. But I noticed these in my SOIL, my first though was thrips. But I don't think thrips live in the soil? I've found two so far. I actually dug this one out of the soil, I saw it through the solo cup. Any idea what this is?

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earwig....where did you get that soil ?

this is happy frog soil I got from my hydro store. this particular plant has been in a solo cup for almost 6 weeks now, I only noticed these nasty fuckers through examining the roots. What do I even kill these with?
good luck killing earwigs they are one of the most resilient pests there are but they dont usually do much to plants except hide under pots in my experience.

thanks, realized these were pincher bugs..we have these all over souther california. just gonna use some diatomaceous earth,
Yeah earwigs won't mess with your shit. Aphids are bastards but not the pests like mites are. Imidacloprid takes care of the quite nicely