bugs i think


ok i have 2 plants and both of them are in the woods so there is a shit load of mosquitoes, the reason i think its bugs is because there is a lot of little holes in the leaves the plants are still green tho so i think im good for now. what should i do or what is wrong with them? also there isn't alot of sun so there growing slow but the 2 circular leaves on the bottom of the plants turned yellow, shriveled up ,and then fell off. Is this normal, if not what should i do?


Well-Known Member
yes those leaves are supposed to fall off. try some sevin now but not during flowering.

mosquitoes are carnivores not plant eaters. probably aphids, grashoppers, or slugs.


oo nvm i just found what is was, would any house hold things work i have heard soapy water will work like spray it on the plant but im not sure if this will kill my plant any more ideas?


Active Member
There not supposed to fall off, but its OK if they do. there called cotyledons ...most likely slugs soap/water should kill them.