Atleast the essential oil you can consume thats what they are essential made for.. Got to a nordic spa they put the oil a steam it for you to breath in aand you don't need it to remain their. You use it once iy does the trich. Then a few days later. You spread the plant in the morning to wash of the oil from the plant and since it was well diluted it takes no time to wash of with few water spray. The smell should be gone in no time and so are the aphids. The living ones left should be moving in other part of the house avoidind this area completly. I went to school in horticulture i'm well advance in my technic was ahead of my class and ahead of many teachers. I'm specialise in cannabis since its my favorite plante. I get paid 30$ an hour doing barely nothing has an hirticulture. Trust me low amount if oil isen't going to do much to arm the plant other then get ride of the probleme. Like i said. The key here is low amount takes you a long way.. Few spray around affected area. Remove the plant ant spay the plant. Remove infestation manually and thats what it is.. You don't need much. Stop scaring the guy