

hi everyone. i have a huge problem. I have 2-3 weeks left of flowering and i have had bugs for the past week. I have 6 plants some have this red bug with a white head and then some have this cream color bug that stay bundled up wit the rest of them. I noticed i had spiders and didnt worry about the bugs since i read they would eat the pests n cause a problem but i was wrong, i just ordered ladybugs heard they might do the trick. these bugs havent affected the plant since it is still flowering rather nicely i jst dont want the bugs(who does). If there is anything else i can do to solve this problem ur help will be much appreciated, its my first grow.Thanx rep+


Well-Known Member
its a real situation because of how close you are to harvest....

i hope the ladybugs work.

i used to use this home made organic pesticide in my veggie garden last year. prety much baking soda garlic and a few drops of soap. it did get rid of some bugs, but the overall infestation was with me no matter what i did


Well-Known Member
With a couple weeks left, this could be a tough situation. If you have a fair amount of development, whatever you add will stick to the buds. You don't want to smoke ladybugs, do you?

It might be in your best interest ride it out and hope for the best, and thoroughly clean the grow area after you're finished with the grow. Then line the perimeter of your grow area with powdered sulfur, or any kind of pest deterrent.


i was advised to use a pyrthum fogger after my harvest to clear off the buggs. Any comments greatly appreciated.


U think that neem oil solution will clear it there are some bugs on the buds can i use it on the buds aswell as the fan leaves
dude i dont want to steer you wrong. from what ive read on riu and other sources neem is supposed to kill over 400 types of bugs(except the good ones). I would just try it in your watering and apply it to your leaves, not the buds. Im having the same problem with spidermites so im it trying as well.