

Active Member
hey guys
im one week into flowering i had a fungi gnat problem and got rid of those fuckers real quick but the problem is they must have brought other bugs with them..so now i have this mealy bug problem and i donno what to do with them i simply bash them with a surgical pence(not that effective i know) and every week i catch six to ten mealy bugs on my plant..so i wanna know how much harm can they cause and how to get rid of them?


Well-Known Member
Neem oil mid strength misting 3x a week for 2 weeks, mealy bugs gone...

Had them once and it made me sad so I made them dead.


Active Member
so i got this 98% rubbing alcohol and mixed it 1 to 8 with water and sprayed the solution on my plants it works tho right?


Well-Known Member
so i got this 98% rubbing alcohol and mixed it 1 to 8 with water and sprayed the solution on my plants it works tho right?
Don't really know about iso spraying mites and mealys. All I know is mealy bugs hatch new generations every 3-5 days... A few mealy bugs turn into infestation, leaf drop, yellowing, necrosis, and stunted growth.

Plus side I would use that iso to make qwiso. ;-)
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Well-Known Member
check this stuff out http://www.dazeys.com/blog/trifecta/ be careful using neem on flowering plants because they absorb it and it will make the smoke taste like shit, been there done that.
I haven't tasted any shit to compare it with neem ....you seem legit so il take your word for it BT..

He's rite don't douche your buds in neem or any chemicals deep into flower or near chop .....aza says it can be sprayed up to the day of chop .....but I wouldn't trust that either

Good point .....I hate getting neemed in the face when I'm misting in the green houses late at night in the dark .......that perfect summer breeze wofting it back into my face ....:cuss:
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Well-Known Member
I haven't tasted any shot to compare it with neem ....you seem legit so il take your word for it BT..

He's rite don't douche your buds in neem or any chemicals deep into flower or near chop .....aza says it can be sprayed up to the day of chop .....but I wouldn't trust that either

Good point .....I hate getting neemed in the face when I'm misting in the green houses late at night in the dark .......that perfect summer breeze wofting it back into my face ....:cuss:
I have used azamax on mealys and can confirm it works real good.

Yeah fux that, think hard about spraying buds.

Mealys will take off if you cut the N down. But then they are loitering some where in the area, plotting.


Active Member
aint no azmax around here brother..im a first grower from iran and its not that easy to get my hands on some stuff best i could do was alcohol and if i were to get caught carrying a bottle of alcohol in my bag theyd go sharia on my ass lol should i try soap tho?


New Member
PROMIS works time and time again, for a few other bugs also . Best shit for a few reason. Add a GoNat Flush and you are all clear for a Month ! Also take black Sweet coffee and set it in the room and see add up. #StarBucksKills


Well-Known Member
aint no azmax around here brother..im a first grower from iran and its not that easy to get my hands on some stuff best i could do was alcohol and if i were to get caught carrying a bottle of alcohol in my bag theyd go sharia on my ass lol should i try soap tho?
even rubbing alcohol?