build a closet grow 7'by 7' 6' high


New Member
With nails and wood. And panda film.... No ones gonna give u a direct answer lol. Just search around in the diy and find an idea u like. But if u expect someone to blueprint this for ya don't hold ur breath. Not sayin they won't just sayin its not likely. Stud the walls and cross beam the roof so u can add weight to the top and not have it fall apart. Sorry I wish I could help more ( and sorry I was a smart ass I have to type my first thoughts lol


New Member
Ull have to do math but you'll need enough 7 foot planks to build a frame with studs every 16 inches plus the roof. Then u can either get boards cut to size for the walls and ceiling or u can wrap it in panda film white side in and get a tent zipper.