Build A Grow Box! Guid To A Cheap And Easy Grow Box. pics


New Member
This is an overall guide on how to build a cheap and convenient grow box. A box system will allow you to create and control your own growing environment such as the sun, rain, wind, air, nutrients and pest. These grow box designs are made to fit 2-3 mature plants.

First thing you will need is two exact same containers. About 3ft deep 3ft wide

Next you will need aluminum foil or flat white paint.

you will need a small osculating fan.

There are various different types of lights you can use such as MH, HID, LED, but for this specific one i am using CFL's or Compact Fluorescent Lights

The last things you need is a hot glue gun, scissors or sharp knife, sharpie, a 3way plug.

All this should cost you around 50$ at any Walmart. Once you have all your things you need to start putting it together.duh

To start building this you will need to set every thing aside exept for one of the two containers. Take the container and cut out 2 circle holes from the bottom to fit your two CFL lights. Then cut a 4inch square out of the side, this hole will be for outtake air.After you have finished that you can then paint the inside white or line it with aluminum foil.
Next you will need to take the second container and cut a small hole out of the side for the cord of the fan to run through. Then also paint or line with foil.
Now you can connect your 2 boxes together by putting the lid on the bottom container with the one small hole, And put the other box without the lid upside down on top of it. Then hot glue the top container to the bottom lid.
After that drys you can now disconnect the top container from the bottom. The top container will still have the lid on it. Cut out the inside of the lid leaving only the perimeter, so you can connect the two containers as one big box.

Now your almost done all you need to do is set your fan in the bottom and run your two lights through the two holes in the top. and its finished!

Germinate that lil baby and place it in your grow box, and watch it grow! I hope this helps anyone who is trying to make a cheap yet efficient GROW BOX.



is there any chance you could put up some pics, step by step..gets a little hard to understand when it comes to putting the boxes together thanks :D