build some shit


Sup guys!

pretty new to the growing thingy, have done a grow in my tent with 400w, the end result was.. INSANE. acctually passed out a few times after smoking a fatty. any how now to the new idea.

go big or go home right!?

i'm currently in the process's of getting me a room about, 40m2 or so.. splitting it into one bigger part and two smaller ones(30/8/2).

30m2 for 12/12 lighting, 8m2 for 16/8 and 24/0, 2 m2 for drying.


LED 20-60?w lighting for clones,
LED 2x60w + HPS 400w for 16/8.
LED 6x120w + 3x600w HPS for 12/12.

i know some people are against led, but it work good enough for 24/0 and with a HPS it will do fine in 16/8 as well.

so how will it do in 12/12 stage ? would only 3x600w HPS be sufficient as extra light during the final stage in Le'tomatos lifes?

id'e rather spend some extra from the beginning then have to do it later!.

And LED's are really cheap to run =)!!


Old fashion soil! -for getting some experience

mixing my own soil

and if any one have nice solutions for auto-watering function, don't be afraid of sharing.

some thoughts about the room design.

the 12/12 room will be housing girls in tree different rows, week 1-4 in one, 5-8 in one and 9-12 in one.
it will also be possible to pull up some kinda curtain to keep the light out between the 3rd (w9-12) and the middle row.
so i can let them stay in the dark for couple of days before killing them.

is there something wrong with my thinking?

all support is welcome.



ventilation: guess i will need somthing like 4 exhausts and 2 inlets ? couple of floor fans or getting the air moving in there?

Question: Will a carbonfilter for the intake air be a overkill or is it worth it, for cleaning out different particles.?

Question: How many mothers would i need to keep a 3 week rotation on harvest? ( totalt of 45-50 plants in bloom at once) harvest 15 of them every 3 weeks

for how long can i keep a mother before shes done? possible to bloom her when finished with it?


i like the idea man, but the only thing i know from EXP is that my buddy had some clones about a month and a half old..he was using an LED..not sure the wattage but its like 4 ft long with t-5's(bulbs)..and when he brought them to my place I put them under my 400W MH High BAY(without the shade). you can easily tell the difference..Oh ya he had it on 24/0 and im running 18/ sure the switch of light was not very good but they are growing soooooo much better under the proper light. It could just be me tho LED's dont seem to do the trick. please keep me updated on your project


New Member
I think I would drop all the led's and spend the money on air movement. Carbon is ok but does not controll ALL odour. I would liik into an ozonator and a portable air conditioner. LED's are great for smaller areas and you might want to try vegging under them(very expensive way to go). If you go HID in you flower and floro's or led's in your veg you get the best of both worlds and full intensity in flower where needed,


Good Luck


i found a really nice site, and i looked around and found some guys that ran with busybees and they had their minds blown from the results :D using 16-20 colour bands so basicly a downsized sun ;D

Yeah i might back the LED's up with a few HPS Sonagro in the final phase, but not sure if needed with the bees.

I can't drop the LED's it my only chance of ever going with a big grow op, the electrical bill would be at the roof with HPS/HID lamps, since i need 15-20 lamps. My op would use like 16Kw/hr.. not ok.
I'm having great success, i'm growing mine in a built green room with a normal black light outdoors, i didn't need a whole bunch of fancy stuff. but anyway, this room have a temperature controller i made using a heater and a light dimmer i spliced together and its powered by a power wheel battery that recharged by a solar panel i took out of ten yard lights. and i have a humility device also that i pick up from sears, by me having all these devices i can mimic the month that cannibus grows the best. and i'm having great success. But my main device is my 1-4(step) grower Photo0328.jpgPhoto0327.jpgPhoto0326.jpg


hehe homegrower :D like the innovation :D, but i like them real fancy crap :D its really really worth spending some big bucks straight away, and then get a super nice result! i have a tent 1.5 x 1.5 x 2.0 meters, that i use right now for growing me a few girls. and i will use that for drying with the new setup =)skörd4.jpgskörd9.jpgskörd7.jpgskörd4 (2).jpg23-mars.jpg

some high res pictures of my last run, Fem Cheese, SUPER nice smoke and buzz


Well-Known Member
I run 2 homemade LED arrays, both are very high quality. My 250 veg LED array will out perform a 400HPS no contest. My 60w veg array is plenty enough to veg under. Anyone smart enough to do the math realizes they pay for themselves in short order. IMO, read everything Knna ever wrote about LED's, then actually buy something, or better yet save money and build your own like he lays out in his LED array DIY thread. I also run two 400w HPS over flowering ladies, and 240w of 6500k CFL's over the veggies. Bottom line, seedlings aside, the more like you can give a plant in any stage the better. Give them all you got all the time they should be under light,.. i like the curtain idea, i did something like it. I keep my veggies in the closet of my 11x12 grow room and open the curtain so all can share light during the day. Read recently on here about a guy who made two plant areas, one lights on 24/7, and the other was dark 24/7 and he moved plants twice a day back and forth, so he's always in veg and flower, and always has every watt on every leaf. Too much plant moving for me, but maybe you could make it easy if you went about it from the get go. Just an idea :)
