Props to Trichy and Cavadge
Please read this and check out the parts!
Im not building one of those stupid little rubbermaid, PVC manifold, and with low pressure sprayers. I wanna do the real thing with a real pump and all that fancy pressure stuff. Ive done a lot of reading and researching on aeroponics and all the other setups (fogger, sumps, etc.) simply don't provide the ~50micron droplet size that marywana lovessss. So you need all this high tech gear to get that little droplet?....*sigh*... yup you do.
This is the setup diagram I've been basing all my looking for parts off of and Cavadge made it, so credit him not me.
These are the parts I've been looking at to purchase, and i want other peoples opinion on if it is good or if it will even work with what I'm trying to do lol. Another reason for this, is that not every part is explained exactly. For example i have no idea how to put this shit together and i didn't even know were about to get it... SO with that here are the parts
-OR- (prolly this one)
Pressure Switch
Accumulator (the 2 gallon... and is this ok to lay horizontal?)
Pressure Relief Valve
Pressure Regulator will this work? it has 1/4'' threaded in and outs
Soleniod will this one work?.. play around under "narrow by" if its not the right one shopping&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=Google+Shopping+Feed
Misters the red or black? Cavadge used red... or do u know any better ones?
i also need to get 1/4" black hose (i think) and T connects and elbows and shit...
those of you who took the time to look at all this and the links and stuff, thanx