Building a Pc grow case. Check out this case

Dr Lg

Active Member

Thats the case I'm getting. I'm picking it up tomorrow. What do you guys think? Where would you put the fans? The best thing about it is it's 26 inches tall!

I had some questions also about building the pc grow case. I need you guys to be straight forward with me because after hours and hours of research, I don't know whos right and whos wrong.

Ok, first thing im worried about is smell. Theres a lot of talk about using ona odor block to kill the smell, but then theres people saying you need a carbon filter. Who can I take their word for.

What is the best reflective material. Panda film? mylar?
nice! its sweet to see more stealth boxes being built. im about to start work on mine, just waiting for all the parts to come in. about your odor concerns i dont thing that a pc case is big enough to have room to grow and have a working carbon filters. there are tons of odor eliminating gels out there. my friends have all said they work pretty well. once you start the build it would be sweet to see some pics. ill be watch man. good luck with the build

Dr Lg

Active Member
Yea man I'm new to all of this but I can read about it for hours. I have a really good feeling about this case though. I'll post pics as soon as I can but it may be a little bit because I want it to be perfect.

One thing though, about the odor gels or whatever.. I was reading about that and I decided to buy ona odor block. It says to unscrew the cap and put it in the room you want deodorized. What I am wondering is where is the best spot to put it? I'm guessing it doesn't really matter but does the air that is being exhausted from the pc smell up the room like the ona odor block? I want to hear from some people who have personally experimented with these odor block's. Do they work?? if so how do you use them.


Well-Known Member
If they do work i would put it right on top of the pc case...or if you have a fan exhaust just have it where the air comes out from....

Dr Lg

Active Member
If you guys can picture my new tower, its 26 inches tall and has a lot of space for fans.

What do you guys think about this set up of fans.. - exhaust fan 120mm right above the power supply. 51 cfm - 3 of these as intake in the front, a little lower than the exhaust. 20 cfm each - This can be mounted anywhere you'd like. Im thinking of putting it on the lights or just blowing on the plants. 22 cfm on its highest rating.

I didn't realize until today though that with a lower noise level.. you sacrifice cfm. Would this be enough ventilation for 1 plant?