Building new grow room--ventilation and fan question

please let us know when this is up and running, ill be keen to see how long it takes for your DR150 to burn down due to you bypassing the manufacturers specs.... dont say you wernt warned...
I've heard of plenty of people running a 1000w lamp in their long as the ventilation is good I don't really foresee it being a problem.
those specs are for optimal performance, The tent is absolutely not going to burn down.. Physics is my major and I'll tell you the chances of, even two thouey's, burnin or melting that tent is a couple of million to one.. Literally

Those specs are to deter people from having serious ventilation and heat issues thus blaming the outcome on the tent and the manufacture.. Don't worry, just make sure you dial in the venting from the get-go and you'll be fine.. you got a lot of great advice on here
those specs are for optimal performance, The tent is absolutely not going to burn down.. Physics is my major and I'll tell you the chances of, even two thouey's, burnin or melting that tent is a couple of million to one.. Literally

Those specs are to deter people from having serious ventilation and heat issues thus blaming the outcome on the tent and the manufacture.. Don't worry, just make sure you dial in the venting from the get-go and you'll be fine.. you got a lot of great advice on here

" i have a four inch duct booster fan at 100 cfm for my thousend watt why are my temps so high..... Your tents fucking suck''
" i have a four inch duct booster fan at 100 cfm for my thousend watt why are my temps so high..... Your tents fucking suck''

100 cfm's is really not very adequate if your using a carbon filter because the filter can decrease the overall exchange by a lot.. up to 30% from what I've measured myself..

Zack -- You may be okay if it's the big disc-like blower that your using.. (what's the cfm rating for it).. but if it's the little can fan that I think is green in that video.. you may have a bit of trouble..
i have a DR 150 myself,and am putting a 1000 in it as soon as i can,the 5x5 area is the perfect size footprint for a 1000w,not a 4x4 which is the footprint of a 600,you are much better to go with the 1000w,as thats what the tent was designed for,if you go with two 600's you are not getting the best spread of light due to your 5x5 area,plus cool tubes light spread isnt supposed to be that good anyway,if you had a DR 240,then yes 2 600s would be good,as for shades,if you want to go air cooled get a magnum xxxl ,its the perfect size and spread for your tent,or get a grostar if you dont want to go aircooled,as for your extraction fan,unless your tent is a new one your holes wont fit a 8" duct ,unless you cut your tent,so get a 6" L1 fan,hope this is some help,im a brand new grower so take what i say with a pinch of salt,