Building soil for indoor bed, questions

What about adding some greensand, azomite, humate, humic/fulvic acid rock phosphate (if you can find it), Mycrohorzae's, EWC and then if you wanna add some more nutes to the mix throw some bloodmeal, bone meal some of that guano you got, kelp meal etc. YOUR PLANTS WILL LOVE YOU!

I re-use my soils but I only grow in pots but have been really thinking of bringing a raised bed indoor. When my plants finish in their pots I just put all the used soil in a trash can add amendments and let it sit for a couple months come back and it'll be all white and fuzzy throw my plants in and only water until chop :)

pretty much what I want to do... reammend the old soil and wait for a couple months to reuse it. I am afraid of blood and bone meal because I over fed once but should probably get over that fear. I am interested in eventually trying a water only recipe
pretty much what I want to do... reammend the old soil and wait for a couple months to reuse it. I am afraid of blood and bone meal because I over fed once but should probably get over that fear. I am interested in eventually trying a water only recipe

Once you get a good mix down you won't have that problem I guess it'd prolly be best to do pots untill you found that sweet spot. But too little is better than too much you can always just give them teas... I love just having to water only I probably only open my tent every three/four days.

Intersting Can't wait to see how those NYSD turn out I just finished a couple a month ago which reminds me I need to try them!!
Just a couple of pics with the real camera... hopefully these fill in with 12/12 ; )

also the real reason I made the bed is so that I can practice for the next run with these pretty ladies I have flowering ;)

They pretty much are a nug from top to bottom perfect for a bed style grow I think .


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Just a couple of pics with the real camera... hopefully these fill in with 12/12 ; )

also the real reason I made the bed is so that I can practice for the next run with these pretty ladies I have flowering ;)

They pretty much are a nug from top to bottom perfect for a bed style grow I think .
lookin good man subbed
I believe this is a misnomer. I'm gonna find out. I use chems and organics. I dont think using chems wisely means ruining soil.

Chemical fertalizers harm the micro life in organic soils. Anyone who runs completly organic will tell you not to use chemicals in your soil, it harms all the benificials.
Chemical fertalizers harm the micro life in organic soils. Anyone who runs completly organic will tell you not to use chemicals in your soil, it harms all the benificials.

I don't feed chemicals to my plants ever, but this should be cleared up:

There are plenty of microorganisms that can not only handle synthetic nutrients but that can also solubilize these nutrients for your plants. I'm not going to go too much further into it, but that is a common misnomer about synthetics.
If you put anything not natural in your organic setup, your not running organic. Plus the micros in your soil already make the nutrients soluable without adding ferts.
Dont believe the hype.

I use chems and organics and pull 2ps per 1k candle.....of AAA.

ya you can do it, but what iam saying is the chemicals harm the beni's in the soil......of course the weed is gonna grow when your fertalizing it, but your soil food web will be harmed and thats the basis of organic growing.
What do you use for a rooting compound?

I pop seeds for the most part, or ill get clones from a buddy.but it dont matter what you use as a rooting compound anyways, because you havent started to build your soils food web yet. once you put them puppies in dirt, it ala natural.
if you want to go 100% organic you can use earthjuice rootstock and their gel, however ive never seen good results with it.
ya you can do it, but what iam saying is the chemicals harm the beni's in the soil......of course the weed is gonna grow when your fertalizing it, but your soil food web will be harmed and thats the basis of organic growing.
Again... Not all bacteria are negatively effected by synths.. please research more prior to typing
Again... Not all bacteria are negatively effected by synths.. please research more prior to typing

Your right not all of them are harmed, BUT ALOT OF THEM ARE. just because not of all of them die doesnt mean its still ok. why dont you read teaming with microbes before you wanna start talking organics. cuz if you did, it states right in there that Chemical fertilizers Harm the soil food web.

Negative Impacts on the soil food web

Chemical fertalizers, pesticides, insecticides and fingicides affect the soil web, toxic to some memebers, warding off others and changing the enviroment.
Important fungal and bacterial relationships dont form when a plant can get free nutrients. when chemically fed, plants bypass the microbial-assisted method
of obtaining nutrients.

Right from the book teaming with microbes.

So basically if your using chemical fertalizers its pointless to run organic soil