Built a new closet under the stairs,got sum $ to start...now wut?

Plant Manager 420

Active Member
Anyways back to the real problem at hand.Why are y plants yellow around the tips of the leaves?
It can be so many things: under watering,over watering,heat,to much lite,temps. to high.Wrong selection of soil.I really dont know rite now :(

Plant Manager 420

Active Member
Well it really doesnt look good today:cry: The plants still have yellowing on they'er leaves.All of them have theyer leaves curling down,and they have a crisspy feeling in the leaves.

I think it was soil i planted them in.It was seedling soil and it really doesnt seem to retian water.So outta of dressperation i filled the tray that they are sitting in with about a half inch of water.The bottoms of the cups have holes in them to such up the water when they need it.I have a real problem with retaining water in the soil a do a soaking every day and with in hours the soil is completly dry all the way to the bottom.So i hope this idea well save them.

Im sad to say that if i dont fix this problem with ny plants now that they well probably all die with in days:cry::cry:


Heres sum pix of today(there still really shitty)but u can see some yellowing and the leaves curling down.


Plant Manager 420

Active Member
:cry:Well today the power went out.And the super said he couldnt turn it back on till' 2morrow.So it looks the end for my plants,they will def. be dead by 2morrow

So long,my grow is over:cry::cry::cry::cry: