Bulletproof Glass Collection

You guys into sippin on the Drank, Lean, Syrup, whatever the fuck you guys wanna call it haha. Not sure if it's big out near you guys or not.
That was popular over here about 12 or so years ago. Liquid codeine right?
Right now the big prescription drug around here are the blueberries (Perc 30s)
Liquid codeine is like liquid gold where I live on the East. Although most the doctors around here don't give the prometh/codeine, usually just straight codeine. Prometh takes away from the nausea, yeah but it makes you so damn tired.

My town has been through the prescription phase and everyone now wants MDMA or so it seems.
Yeah its like gold around here too, im lucky I know a stupid fiend who'll trade a bottle of the shit his parents get on script for fucking blunt roachs haha no joke!
And this is how heady I'm talking about Danks.....




Had to throw this one just bc it's sick!


Except a dry/ hand pipe, a one of a kind.
Most of those were 600$+ pipes. And the last ones a jlee 10,000$ pipe because its the operation pipeworks memorial pipe. You got phat loot?? I can go to urban pheasant glass in detroit and collab something insane if your paying for it. Or u just want a little heady? U want a chaos piece like the Ak? Those take a while but i can do it. Its just a bunch of basic techs clustered onto one piece.
I figured/ knew all those were super expensive. I'm willing to drop some money, but definitely not 600$. Which is the "Chaos" piece?? The first one? Bc if so, then yes. That style is pretty sweet.
That's probably also very expensive, and I just mean the process, all the millies cost a lot just themselves. Maybe a Krunk would go for $2000? Because it's Krunk and Krunk millies usually.
Chaos is doable and i have a bunch of cool millies and random wig wags i can put in it. And twisty cane,honey comb, whatever else i can fit on there. Might be 100$ dry pipe
I was going to say, I'm willing to pay around 125$ for this piece. So pretty much whatever mad scientist hunk of glass you can cook up for that is what I want.

**Maybe monster it in a way??? Idk, those are pretty much my guidelines. Hahaha
Yeah the $2000 Krunk's are $2000 because it's Krunk, I guess Krunk doesn't put out many, a lot of the millies he uses are rare (I'm thinking), and he was the originator of that style tube as far as I know.
You should definitely get that dry pipe though I really want to see what it'd look like!
I could never spend $2000 hard earned cash on a piece of glass though. My idea is that a broken pile of glass, costs just the same as another broken pile of glass :lol:.

I spent 3500 on one piece at a store before.. However it's metal, and you can shoot people with it, from really far. You can drop it too, and it wont break! :) I'm more towards making THOSE investments, and having some nice $400 pieces around me for my every day toke session!