Bulletproof Glass Collection

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
LMAO... blowing glass in a hydro store... Your the man!

Blowing pipes for tobacco in a shop that supplies equipment for people to grow fruits and veggies in their home :) :lol:. Love this country..

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
Id just sell your medicali and buy a bubbler off him if he makes it...

I usually keep the cash flowing.. instead of bartering... Always makes it easier, and cash never loses it's value :). Just sayin.. I'm sure he will make it right.. Probably just wanted to give you something SUPER badass before he 'took' your medicali, and like he said they probably keep breaking in the kiln.. :peace:

That panda slide is dope though!


Well-Known Member
That's rough Panduh. I was told a week ago that he had shipped all his orders from RIU except mine.

dankshizzle said:
Ok. Dish,dabber, dome. Done.. just been busy and not had a chance to get to the p.o. your the only order I got left on riu. I'm not gonna stiff you..
Interesting how he has time and money to start up a new company and spend 8hrs+ a day filling an entire store with glass but doesn't have the time or money to make/ship our stuff.


Well-Known Member
well you still have your medicali, he tried 3x and didnt charge you for materials. sounds like a deal to me.

if he cant do it. be happy he took the time to try.

bashing is not cool.

it took two months to get a dish, dabber and dome set and it was worth the wait!


Well-Known Member
I've been waiting four months and IMO that is not worth the wait. Why would the dablab complain? Those three pieces have been there for months and months which means he hasn't had the opportunity to not ship them out once ordered. Here they are, post 541 - made over four months ago https://www.rollitup.org/galleries/440915-bulletproof-glass-collection-55.html

** correction, you need to mail them to dablab before they even post them. The dablab isn't as naieve as the rest of us.

I've ordered glass from other artists and it's never taken more than two weeks to receive - 50% of the time I've received it within a week. Not trying to be a dick to you gspott, but if two months seems normal to you then I'd have to say you are use to ordering from some pretty shady companies. I'm curious though - did he tell you it would take two months or did he say it would be mailed in a week and then repeat that statement for two months?

By no means am I bashing his work - I've been a great fan since the start of this thread. It's just very hard to appreciate when you never get to see it in person.


Glassblowing Moderator
I'm really ready to drop riu. Sorry guys. Not worth it. I don't want your bong.. ill send my friends on here my Facebook.


Well-Known Member
What PM did I not respond to? The last I heard my glass was on its way, then on its way, then on its way, then on its way...

And I hope I wasn't the one to post any sensitive private info - I've been very keenly making sure to post nothing of that sort.


Active Member
I'm really ready to drop riu. Sorry guys. Not worth it. I don't want your bong.. ill send my friends on here my Facebook.
I would not blame you, so much bitching and whining when you can't do something on their time table. If people are really serious about getting custom glass done they should put a deposit down and get it in writing when it can be reasonably expected. If it is done any other way there is no obligation for anything to be done; it is just forum banter conceptualizing what would be cool glass. Hit me up on fb Dank

*Facebook link removed, PM Californicator if you want to get his FB link :)


I never complained about dank dude... I stuck up for him for two months and told everybody off that challenged him. I was nothing but patient and kind to him. I never once said anything negative towards him and all of a sudden he tells me what I want is wrong. Honestly, he seems like an awesome guy and everything, but his customer service was mehhh. He stayed in contact constantly which I thought was awesome, and out of the normal. And dude your blowing glass... nothing illegal about it. Narc'd on yourself apparently. Dank I believe you're the "immature piece of sh*t." As quoted in a PM from you to me. Your personality shocks me kid, I stuck up for you and everything these last couple months even though I barely knew you, and as it turns out, those people I stood up to were probably right. Enjoy your life.


I would not blame you, so much bitching and whining when you can't do something on their time table. If people are really serious about getting custom glass done they should put a deposit down and get it in writing when it can be reasonably expected. If it is done any other way there is no obligation for anything to be done; it is just forum banter conceptualizing what would be cool glass. Hit me up on fb Dank

*Facebook link removed, PM Californicator if you want to get his FB link :)
If dank had given me the option, I would have. We were doing a even trade, I even told him I would go to his shop and do it in person. No one was ever trying to be mean to him until he flapped his mouth.


Well-Known Member
I would not blame you, so much bitching and whining when you can't do something on their time table. If people are really serious about getting custom glass done they should put a deposit down and get it in writing when it can be reasonably expected. If it is done any other way there is no obligation for anything to be done; it is just forum banter conceptualizing what would be cool glass. Hit me up on fb Dank

*Facebook link removed, PM Californicator if you want to get his FB link :)
My glass has been made and in a box with my name on it sitting by his front door for over four months... Or at least that is what I've been told.

Waiting a bit on custom glass to be made is one thing but to wait over four months for premade glass to ship... You wouldn't complain if you waited for months and months and all he had to do was take it to the post office? Personally I think I should be able to complain about all of the blatant lies as well - am I allowed to be annoyed when people lie to me over and over and over again?


Well-Known Member
I shipped dank 600$ in retail glass 4 months ago and received ZERO from him. Numerous attempts to try and get him to square up with me. Next step is driving to the address I sent the glass too and finding out where it went. Send it back or see you soon.


Glassblowing Moderator
I said send me a address and I would ship you whatever u wanted. U said 200$ worth of glass or something but didn't specify what. Why do you have to come off like that?
And panduh I said pick a different design because I couldn't do the panda shaped bubbler. After three tries I gave up on it. I offered making a bubbler with a panda milli on it.. best I can do. If you don't want it just don't trade... You never sent me anything so I owe you nothing...


Well then this has just been a big mix up, I would be fine with a black/white bub with millie on it. I dont remember ever being offered that and I cant find the pm, but that could have been around the period the site got whiped. I understand totally about not shipping the head and all, I just thought we had worked something out because I lived so close, but then again that was when the site got whiped. I apologize for the mix-up, and the trouble caused to you.


Well-Known Member
I said send me a address and I would ship you whatever u wanted. U said 200$ worth of glass or something but didn't specify what. Why do you have to come off like that?
And panduh I said pick a different design because I couldn't do the panda shaped bubbler. After three tries I gave up on it. I offered making a bubbler with a panda milli on it.. best I can do. If you don't want it just don't trade... You never sent me anything so I owe you nothing...
After seeing whats going on here it seems I am not the only one.....

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
i dont see how anyone of you can say their interest in a purchase or a trade is worth more thank danks life/business progressing

that being said ya things could have been paid more attention too and delt with differently

but bitching about it and going on about how you are a victim is just annoying . . . . and helps little but to serve your own agenda

when i see this thread i want to see glass not whining customers who think they are always right

who wont shut the fuck up after its all said and done

dont cry over spilt milk . .

and the 600/200 dollars worth of glass guy waiting to recieve i here ya and just be patient . . . im sure dank will get you settle up when he can or is able too . . .. . .

dank seems like a stand up guy havent heard of any other issues with him but these recent ones. . . .people make mistake . .. let them make amends too


Glassblowing Moderator
After seeing whats going on here it seems I am not the only one.....
I just don't get why you would mention a bee dome a month or so ago. Then when I ask what else you didn't reply. Insead you wait silently without saying shit.. not one of you pm before you ranted.
Gastanker is the only one I messed up on. I apologized and he has some cool shit comming. I know he doesn't believe me but it is. I have never ripped anyone off.
Panda- misunderstood when I said pick a new design..
J- u just stopped taking to me and never specified what to ship. Then blow up. Your a really cool guy.. the only pm I have gotten in the last month from u was to meet up in Vegas...
All the complaining just makes me not want to even check my thread...


Well-Known Member
just so all customers are being heard;

i have had absolutley no problems communicating with dank. PM's have been answered in a timely manner, politely explaining what he has been comming up against during the CUSTOM creation. nothing but positive feedback so far.

Maybe it's a matter of prespective, I am a sculpture (not by trade) and work with a LOT of artist, and ordering a custom piece by an artists is entirley different than going to amazon.com.. take time, patience, and work on BOTH sides of the deal.

Not saying ANYONE is in the wrong here. just saying there are some positive customer feedbacks too


Glassblowing Moderator
That's all I'm saying. Pm me. I always reply. You guys are acting like I've been ignoring you. Im busy as Hell and if I forget about u because u havnt said anything in a month or so, by all means pm me. Don't be so dramatic about it.