

Well-Known Member
Do they pose a threat to MaryJane? I have a few running around outside the size of horses:-|



Well-Known Member
haha!!! I want to see one, how big are they really?
unless they jump into your plants or see a tasty bug, frog or small rodent on your plants their safe from all kinds of reptiles :P oops, I mean amphibians :P, well both mostly, their are some frogs and toads that eat plants, but not many.

Bullfrogs eat smaller frogs, and any flying insect. They sit by the lake waiting with their long tongue that flicks out and grabs flies, mosquitoes, moths. And wasps, bees and dragonflies -- they're not at all afraid of them. Bullfrogs also eat small fish, small birds, mice, small snakes -- just about anything, really -- and they have huge appetites. Bullfrog tadpoles also eat the tadpoles of smaller frogs.
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Well-Known Member
These things are huge. The ones head is a little smaller than the size of my fist. Straight up X-Files bolshit.



Well-Known Member
they shouldnt harm your plants in anyway .. unless that big mofo decided he needs a place to rest and tears your plant down .. lol


Well-Known Member
keep them ho's in your patch i found a frog yesterday i dubbed hop along II! ( i stepped on the first one sry ) but he stays in one of my pots


New Member
lol that is nothing compared to me. my plants are growing like 40 feet from a pond and i went to the pond there was so many big bullfrogs and millions of bullfrog tadpoles..... LOL

i am going to be in for an invasion soon. time to eat me some frog legs.


Well-Known Member
i have a family of them living right were i have my plants and the only damage they caused was they dug a hold to go in and ended up tearing up one of my baby plants


Well-Known Member
We get some very pretty frogs up here in the mountains, all the same species. BUT! Depending on where you find them (upcountry versus downcountry) and the color of the earth they'll be different colors. Some are bright shades of green, others are buffy colored, and others still match the red earth. However, I haven't heard many of them at all lately... nor are we seeing as many bats as we should by this time of year. :| Hmm.. me no likey.

Of course, that's gotten my curiosity up. I'm not sure if the frogs I've seen are Hyla regilla or not. I know! I'll ask my herp geek friends. :D
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Well-Known Member
Yeah, be careful - I had one plant that mysteriously died overnight - when I investigated, the stem had been snapped below the dirt at the base. I'm sure a big frog or toad had gotten in there and tried to dig in for a cool place to hang out (it's HOT here and the potted plants are the only thing getting regular water). I've seen both big frogs and toads - here's one in a plant that had broken that I was trying to root. A good thing to do is to give them alternatives - a toad house; can be a broken pot that acts like a little cave - whatever will give them a little escape from the heat. Google image toad house and you'll see.



Well-Known Member
Yeah, be careful - I had one plant that mysteriously died overnight - when I investigated, the stem had been snapped below the dirt at the base. I'm sure a big frog or toad had gotten in there and tried to dig in for a cool place to hang out (it's HOT here and the potted plants are the only thing getting regular water). I've seen both big frogs and toads - here's one in a plant that had broken that I was trying to root. A good thing to do is to give them alternatives - a toad house; can be a broken pot that acts like a little cave - whatever will give them a little escape from the heat. Google image toad house and you'll see.

are you trying to root a cutting in the poor frogs ass? :?:mrgreen::peace:


Well-Known Member
I still have no digital camera. I feel like im missing out on so much not being able to post pics:-(



Well-Known Member
are you trying to root a cutting in the poor frogs ass? :?:mrgreen::peace:
Damn! Maybe that's why I have so many frogs! LOL! Maybe that's why they say don't get that rooting hormone on your skin! ;)

That cutting didn't live - I think it was beyond saving when it was put in there. It's the top of what was my mutant plant. The exhaust fan in the greenhouse fell on it and snapped it - I tried to save that top but it didn't make it.

You people are funny. Thanks for making me laugh on a Monday. :hump:


New Member
lol straight up , i went to feed my plants today, it was hot and sunny but right when i got to my plants it started to rain. and thunder, when i went back home i came across so many frogs playing in the water on th etrail lol. i wish i had my camera.


Well-Known Member
Frogs are cool until they decide to feast on your plants:-| I don't think they do though. Do they.........................?
