Bump If You're Baked!

i just had this conversation with myself : yeaa smoke a ciggy *blunt falls out* Yeaa! fuckit! *pause* waiiit...fuckit...*put the blunt back away hahahaha

the pretense: 8 bong rips of lemon skunk - 3/4's of one packed full vanilla dutch
3 cigarette sized african drugs reefer style dooby spliffs - and one huge doobie that had 1 gram of keif in it.

my neighbor who was smoking with me also had 8 rips himself and we shared the rolled apparatus'.

im so blazeed my heads spinning and my leg is tapping oh my.. there was NOOOO taste left after a real harsh dash of lemon at the beginning of the hit
after that it tasted like smoke, but suprisingly the cough didnt her, it almost made ya feel lighter. i HATE lemon skunk...normally...rabblerabble...this shit is fuckin DOPE. i wanna shake the growers hand..anyways im bumpin cause im blaaaazed andddd im bumpin all times of the daaaaayyyy



hahaha i just reached in my pocket and found the roaches i totally forgot

"OHH SHIIIITT...A Doober Hokee!!"