Bump if youre hung over thread.


Well-Known Member
that blows! (no pun intended if you're puking)

I'm doing pretty good, thankfully I have a liver of a god. McDonalds bacon egg and cheese mcgriddles with a hashbrown, oj and coffee is an amazing hangover breakfast at like 7 in the morning :)


Staff member
that blows! (no pun intended if you're puking)

I'm doing pretty good, thankfully I have a liver of a god. McDonalds bacon egg and cheese mcgriddles with a hashbrown, oj and coffee is an amazing hangover breakfast at like 7 in the morning :)
:spew::spew::spew::spew: im going for subway for some reason i get super cravings for like..and i knwo this is weird...root beer


Well-Known Member
:spew::spew::spew::spew: im going for subway for some reason i get super cravings for like..and i knwo this is weird...root beer
root beer is the shit! Especially when you put the extra bucks down for the kind that comes in a six pack in the glass bottles, same with the cream soda mmm

The Outdoorsman

Well-Known Member
I get weird cravings when I'm hung over.

Walking around the grocery store half awake, still buzzed. By the time I check out it's like wtf did I just buy?
A bunch of vegetables or half the ingredients to chile. then I get home smoke up and am like fuck, why didn't I get any junk food?

True story.


Well-Known Member
I'm hungover but not on beer and its painful
whatchya hungover on? I've got an orgy of alcohol in me atm. Jack daniels, vodka, beer and tequila. Was a damn good night and didn't even get totally destroyed because despite all logic I'm not a light weight for some reason...although there is a gap or two missing from last night lol but it's damn near all there!

match box

Well-Known Member
I can't drink any more my liver can't handle it. It's nice to not have a hang over. They can be nasty.


Well-Known Member
I paid good money to be hung over and i kinda wish i was more hungover. You cant bowl worth a damn if your sober, especially if your uncomfortably high from really good weed. One or two tequilas takes the edge off though ;)


Well-Known Member
whatchya hungover on? I've got an orgy of alcohol in me atm. Jack daniels, vodka, beer and tequila. Was a damn good night and didn't even get totally destroyed because despite all logic I'm not a light weight for some reason...although there is a gap or two missing from last night lol but it's damn near all there!
We would make good drinkin buddies i think, alcohol orgy is right up there in my list of things to do on the weekend :):):)


Well-Known Member
You must have been really tired from your flight because you passed out after 4 drinks and 6 beers.
Take these (2 Tylenol #3's) with another beer before you do anything else.
We are down on the beach fishing for breakfast, be a good boy and bring us some fresh bait and more Fosters.

The first time I got drunk with my mother (age 29) and the #3's did the trick.


Well-Known Member
You must have been really tired from your flight because you passed out after 4 drinks and 6 beers.
Take these (2 Tylenol #3's) with another beer before you do anything else.
We are down on the beach fishing for breakfast, be a good boy and bring us some fresh bait and more Fosters.

The first time I got drunk with my mother (age 29) and the #3's did the trick.
Age 29?, you got some catchin up to do...:):):)


Well-Known Member
Oh just listening to you guys talk of tequila puts my stomach all whirly swirly..i must say whiskey is where its at my fellow tokers. A killer indica and some smooth bourbon does the trick for me very nicely.