Bump if youre hung over thread.

shynee mac

Well-Known Member
Bump... since I can't smoke it's all about drinking for me at least for now.18 beers later... I can't remember the last time I had a weed hangover... can't wait to smoke again I hate feeling like this. stay high.
you can get a weed hangover!!!, I smoke like a cracked radiator so I know you can have a weed hangover!. not as intense as a drinking hangover but you will feel lazy and loadid all over again!...so ill call that a weed hangover


Well-Known Member
Yuuuuuuuuuuuuup. Oh look, a half-finished whiskey and coke from last night is still sitting next to my computer. No point in letting it go to waste....

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
yep, a little thick in the head today and I have a conference call. I'm so glad it isn't a video conference call.


Well-Known Member
I'm ok today had a hangover yesterday. Not going to drink for a few days, the weather was nice.


Well-Known Member
Crown and coke,My personal fav,excellent choice!
Saturday I spend the entire night on the casino floor gambling. They cut off alch sales at 1:30 am so I was smart enough to take the crown with me, a bunch of those little bottles the airlines used to use. Go in bathroom and chug them.

Needless to say, BUMP BUMP BUMP