Bump The Munchies!


Well-Known Member
drambui fuck that lol stuff is rank man lol

i have had cannabis absinthe of all strengths and colours lol and russian cannabis vodka so i guess i have mixed drink with pot so absinthe would be mine i love absinthe
WHAT? fuck Drambuie? psh you don't konw what your talking about man, taste the jungle...but yea absinthe is the shit...though I don't get it unless someone either visits another country or comes to visit...so yea


Active Member
bump!! im getting hungry....lets see...reeses cups, oreo cookies in milk...other things like cookies and soft pretzels too!!

and waffles

PPP Pure Pothead Person

Well-Known Member
WHAT? fuck Drambuie? psh you don't konw what your talking about man, taste the jungle...but yea absinthe is the shit...though I don't get it unless someone either visits another country or comes to visit...so yea
i only drink drambui when its mixed with other whiskey to make a rusty nail i think thats what its called

how dont u get absinthe?

what country u in?


Active Member
wow...wouldnt trust anything called "Krusteaz" even high..makes me think too much of "RUSTeaze" from cars!!


Active Member
Peanut Butter Captain Crunch is a classic go to choice
If you live in LA and can get to a Roscoe's Chicken and Waffle, nothing beats it

Bon Doogey

Well-Known Member
Peanut Butter Captain Crunch is a classic go to choice
If you live in LA and can get to a Roscoe's Chicken and Waffle, nothing beats it
What the chances of Roscoe's staying hot in the mail....guess I will have to get out to LA soon because if I hear one more thing about this place I am going to just have to start eating every chicken I see...been hearing about them for a while and I love fried chicken...

Homemade Chili man! oh shit it was yummy!
Homemade chili is great...

And I hate cereal and cookies that tear up the roof of your mouth...HATE IT


Well-Known Member
Peanut Butter Captain Crunch is a classic go to choice
If you live in LA and can get to a Roscoe's Chicken and Waffle, nothing beats it

Well yeah peanut butter captain crunch is good but i really like those cheerios with 3 different colors on them. Those are good :mrgreen:


Active Member
I like.....uhmmm captn morgans spiced rum XD

And umm. what else? Ole E is pretty good too, i can't drink it when i'm not high though ick lol.
drinking with the captn is an excellent choice although rasberry UV vodka mixed with smooth sunny D is the best :)