Bunch Of Fools


Well-Known Member
So I am seeing on a few social media sites people against legalizing it. People saying things that are so foolish.
Like its going to make everyone so lazy the country would collapse. Like Pot is going to ruin your brain. Pot is going to give you cancer. You will forget your kids in a hot car. Oh and the shining example of Think of the children they will grow up to be mindless zombies... NOOO!!! It will not make you do or get any of these things. Stupidity and or terminal illness is not limited to pot head you frickn morons. Besides terminal illness a dumb ass was a dumb ass before the herb showed up. As for the children. You think of the children! The damn pills you call legal drugs that you force feed them from age whatever will turn them into zombies before a joint ever enters into their thoughts... Rant over.
I think decrim would would better for me rather than full on legalisation, that just seems like an excuse for more big chains to take over yet another thing that people should be in charge of. I don't know. Not that they're really even discussing it here yet anyway :cuss:

My Youtube has somehow worked its way around to Jeff Buckley. Who knew?? :peace:
Legalization sucked for medical patients in WA. They lied to get it passed! Said they wouldn't touch medical.
ALL medical dispensaries were shut down July 1. The monopoly is complete.
Exactly like state liquor stores; inefficient bureaucracy will suck up the tax revenue everyone is enamored with.
We got fucked. They lied their asses off to get it passed -- and now we're stuck with it.
LOL, shall I say it once again? :)
